And we will leave a place for you in our new world.
And we will leave a place for you in our new world.
Wait, I’m a mutant? Hooray! What are my superpowers??
i actually did this a few months ago with the massive amount of wasted space behind my tv
ended up putting a wooden beach chair my friend gave me in it and hung long pieces of black and purple sheer cloth [from infinity scarves i got on clearance] from the ceiling to act as a dividing wall between the back of my tv…
If you watch the debate, Sanders went on to explain that he was against the bill that authorized the auto bailout because it was part of the TARP funds that bailed out Wall Street- an absolutely shameful program that only furthered the gap between the wealthy elite and middle class, along with cementing the ‘too big…
Don evidently believes the presidency is some sort of elected dictatorship where you get to be boss of the world for four years, which I believed as well until I got to gradeschool and they started teaching us about it
I liked seeing everything. I had forgotten what I had installed.
I grew up with a alcoholic parent, and at a very young age I remember promising myself I would never drink alcohol. And I never have. I have no judgement on those who do—I just know its not for me.
powercfg /hibernate off
Amen. As a husband of 12 years, and a father of 2 if I want “me time” I cut into my sleep, which is already at about 6 hours a night. My time is not my own. I’m happy to give it to my family, because I love them, but understand where Eric is coming from. I have thoroughly enjoyed those few moments where I get to do…
Some people can’t afford down time. Some people just have wives.
After NASA was defunded, the outcry was brief.
...not only is that said in the article, there’s even a link to another article about that as well...
I dispute the integrity of any survey of this kind that does not rank Olive Garden as last.
I always read “letmein” as “let mein” and get hungry for noodles.
I’m a female. I like sports. But it seems like everyday I hear a story about how trivialized women are in sports, in sports “relationships", and now, even broadcasting. dammit.
But please show some restraint!
When did “hacks” become the term for easily-found, user-definable, routine operating sytem refinements? Shouldn’t you also explain how changing the Finder text size will change again if the user also “hacks” the Display resolution (see System Preferences) and is dismayed that their font size changes changed again? I…
If your management/whoever you are “proving yourself” to changes often (whether or not it’s under your control), this can constantly “reset” the clock. That becomes exhausting when you’ve been proving yourself for years. This was recently my problem and as soon as I was finally able to stay under a single manager for…