
I’ve got to say, I was worried about the transition from the 2+ season build to the suicide attempt to the road toward’s (hopeful) recovery. It seemed like a tough needle to thread, you don’t want to wallow and you don’t want to have her magically recover in next weeks episode (with a montage of course). The writers

Thought he would’ve swapped clothes with that cop and escaped, but didn’t expect this.

My take is that she was watching basically experiencing what the theme song is supposed to represent. She watched a bunch of different music videos for songs about crazy women as a way of processing her experience, and came away confused by the mixed messages.

I was kind of hoping we would at least get to hear about Naomi if they couldn’t get Tovah Feldshuh this week. She was genuinely worried for her daughter last episode and although a lot of people found it pretty irredeemable to drug her daughter it was clearly motivated by the fear of losing her.

Hector is lucky he slept through all his alarms on the day of the party bus - cos he would have ended up stuck in a confined space with Greg and Heather while they were still dating, which may have made any future romance with Heather seem too awkward to get started.

I can definitely imagine V having no female friends before. Her first song on the show was her just shitting all over every woman she encountered. I know girls like S1 Valencia. Even if they hang out with women, they don’t see them as “friends” so much as “competition”.  

Yeah I loved Valencia in this- from “Bitch don’t get in my way bitch” to the videos to the song. Heather having an axe was also a great moment. “I live in a murder house!”

“This is not what happy feels like.”
Gotta love those S1 callbacks.

I grew pretty tired of CS’s defense that they were mixing legitimate film criticisms, continuity errors, etc. with jokes being made by an “asshole critic character.” Those two approaches sound great on their own, but why combine them both in the same video? It just dilutes the effectiveness.

The first part of Wedding Bell Blues until Richard and Emily’s dance is perfect. I wish we would have seen that develop over a whole episode, culminating with the dance, because it would have been beautiful and would have left us feeling all warm and fuzzy. I can’t say enough good things of that dance, my god.

The closing credits (all Rebecca Bunch except where noted)

One thing I appreciated about this episode was that everyone treated Rebecca lashing out as simply her being upset. On any other show this would be the start of a five episode arc of irreconcilable differences. Instead everyone just acknowledged that even if what Rebecca said was hurtful she was still their friend and

I cried like 4 times during that. I just feel for Rebecca, man. I know what she’s doing is wrong and it physically hurt me to watch her say those things to her friends in the opening scene, but I just want things to get better for her.

Loved Nathanial and his stuffed alligator. He needs another trip to the zoo.

I appreciate the choice they made when Rebecca almost fell into the hole. Josh pulled her back but it wasn’t a typical rom-com ‘moment’ where their eyes met. It was more Josh being sick of Rebecca’s over-dramatic bullshit and just stop it already.

What isn’t right is Annalise even entertaining the idea about having anything to do with him.

Kristen Bell posted a photo on Instagram of the ethics homework made by the props department, and of course it is hilarious and impressive the level of thought they put in making it fit perfectly for each character.


For all those that can’t understand why Fitz gets voted Most Hateable time and time again on a show full or horrid people, I’ll try to explain.

No, she’s right. Fitz is the worst.