
He thinks people are stupid but is fascinated enough by their minds to try to come up with psychological tortures.

Between the horoscope and the whole “I’m all in” speech, that date would have me running for the hills. It’s entirely too much.

Agreed. Honestly, I don’t think that trying to win one’s parents’ love is a CORRUPT motivation. I mean, a child shouldn’t have to win their parents’ love at all. Given the way Tahani’s parents treated her her entire life, plus what we now know about how Kamilah treated her as well, wanting to prove that she’s worth as

Next Friday, October 13.

Agreed. For the “Who died and left Plato in charge of ethics.”

Yeah, but the Bad Place’s thing seems to be subjecting people to an eternity of physical torture, not eternal contemplation of your failure to get into heaven. The whole purely psychological torture thing is Michael’s pet project. Since the rebooted characters don’t carry memory, they don’t experience the eternal

Respectfully disagree, Mr. Vag

It blows me away how she was exactly right for “real” Eleanor, and now she’s exactly right for “underutilized,” attention-seeking Vicky.

And people don’t remember that its Shonda produced - but she’s not a writer. Which is why I think I get less annoyed with it than I do with GA these days.

Bingo. I could think of drastically worse shows that I’m guilty of liking.

It gets trashed around here a lot for being a Shonda Rhimes show, but I think it’s a pretty reliably good soap with great casting & perspectives you don’t normally see on network TV ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I was surprised that this show is still getting reviewed with all the changes around here and I’m even more surprised that Kayla’s still doing them and I’m absolutely delighted!!

Thank you! I’ll get a bit ahead of myself here but remember that episode next season, We Got Us a Pippi Virgin!, when Luke rants on at the end about Dean, how he’s not good enough for Rory, how he’s going to drag her down and quash her dreams of travel and such? That was exactly how I feel about Luke, amazing work of

This review was too short. The beach episode is one that still sticks out in my mind today because it gave me what I’d been demanding for quite some time — LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS OF PARIS.
