
The best thing about that party - and I’m personally offended Gwen failed to mention it - is clearly Paris and Doyle practicing their hip-hop dance moves beforehand.

 I don’t care what anyone else says; I’ll watch the shit out of a Cagney & Lacey reboot. I’m still mad that some idiot passed on Nikky & Nora.

This has nothing to do with your comment/this article. Just checking if I’m gray or not.

I've dusted off my Fire Emblem: Awakening cartridge and am playing that while watching iZombie (1st season, no spoilers). I'm the most casual of gamers, but I'm constantly torn between going "Better look up the best path/marriage partner/ability/course of action etc before making the wrong choice" and "Don't spoil

‘The news is like a ship. If you take hands off the wheel, it pulls hard to the left,’

I got the word 'tomorrow' tattooed on my arm last week and I was seriously worried I or the artist would make a mistake and I'd end up with a misspelled tattoo. I checked the spelling three times just to be perfectly sure.
Edit: As for how you would misspell it, I was mostly checking if it really was 1 M and 2 Rs - but

I think there's a difference between opposing, but ultimately valid viewpoints and reactionary, offensive viewpoints and when talking about education, we should specify what we're talking about.

That reminds me: Where the hell is my Rivers of London tv adaption? Get on this, Hollywood!

OT but no matter how many times I see that "Paul Ryan lifting a dumbbell, wearing a baseball cap" image my first thought is always that's a photoshop. It looks exactly like what one of the various late shows would come up with.

What's really weird to me is how many people don't understand the simple fact that healthcare is ultimately about keeping workers able to work. Governments didn't decide to pay to keep their citizen healthy out of the goodness of their leaders' hearts. It's because sick citizens don't work which is bad for the

Re your last horror story:
The reaction to those criminal charges was pretty much "Wow, that's a really archaic law Erdogan managed to dig up. We should probably abolish that one." The criminal charges were dropped and the comedian and his show are still on the air. You can watch him in his regular time slot on ZDF.

Look, I'm not saying that Abby taking the deal wasn't a stupid decision, but I am saying that preceding that stupid decision by one of Fitz' self-righteous "I am the president and not a giant manbaby" speeches did a lot to make it more understandable.

I probably want way too much from a comedy, but every time Anne's face blindness comes up, I wish they'd portray it realistically. It's probably the most common of the rare, wacky disorders they saddled her with and you could still play it for laughs if you toned it down to realistic levels. Most people use

That actually pissed me off the most. Having to endure another Papa Pope monologue was annoying enough, but that was at least expected. At this point I've just resigned myself to the fact that we're never gonna be rid of Bwhatever, but after how many seasons of "You can't take command" now he's suddenly afraid of

Omg, yes. Post-coital scenes are so ridiculous on network. The guy will roll off the woman, presumably just having finished, and then he'll get up from the bed wearing boxers and she'll either wear a bra or wrap the blanket around herself because she doesn't want that guy she just had sex with to see her naked.

I'll be so glad when US tv finally figures out swearing. Right now it's either actual grown-ups using words like "boning" on shows made by adults for adults or cable shows trying to be edgy by having all the characters use "fuck" as punctuation until the word loses all meaning. I was watching You, me, her the other

I think a big part of the reason SVU lacks structure is that (most of the time) they deal with living victims. Classic whodunnit procedurals get their structure out of having to answer their central questions (What happened? Who did it and why? Maybe also: How can we prove it?) by having the characters run around and

I think I remember an interview with Rachel (might have been the Doug loves movies podcast, but I'm not sure) where she said standards & practices told them they could say the word "shit" twice and bleep the word twice (so four shits in total) and that's what they ended up doing.

It wasn't abbreviated ICE, though. It was written out as "In case of emergency" if I remember correctly. You're correct that Wes got a job working with immigrants, though. That was revealed in his flashback with Annalise in 3x10.