
The father is dead and keeping the baby would be a way to keep him alive.

You make a great point about Mellie's actions and values endearing her to people who'd usually vote Democrat; I hadn't thought about that. I'd say the reason I hadn't thought about that is that the Scandal Republicans behave a lot more like real world Democrats in general, though, so that goes back to Scandal being a

It doesn't make sense that he doesn't also have the contact under the person's name, but having a contact that says "In case of emergency" or "ICE" is definitely a thing. It's for paramedics to know which one of your contacts you want called when something happened to you that made you unable to communicate. There was

So dub it in English…? I get not liking subtitles. I tend to do something else watching tv and I can't do that when I can't look away from the screen, so having to read subtitles is a real negative in my view too. But that doesn't translate to "Hey, let's just remake this whole thing" to me when the easiest solution

I'll give you that the mystery part of the show is not exactly what I'd call well-thought out and logical - which I don't care about because as I said I just want characters interacting with each other, I don't care about plot, but I see why other people do - but I'd say 90% of the time when people say that they don't

I have no problem whatsoever with ridiculous, like zero. I'll watch seven seasons and a movie of ridiculous as long as I'm invested in the characters and I've passed on universally acclaimed shows because the characters failed to interest me.

I'm not objecting to showing Annalise being fragile and vulnerable. She's been through a lot and she's supposed to be human, not a super hero. I'm objecting to having her basically catatonic while also completely isolating her from the other characters we care about. If Bonnie had managed to get Annalise out on bail

I am completely over Annalise being in jail. Not even Viola Davis can hold my attention when she's (barely) interacting with characters I give zero shits about. Get her back to the main group. Or at least have her take an active interest in Bonnie's strategy for getting her out. Or expand on the idea that she thinks

I didn't consume much pop culture this weekend because I had too much real life stuff to deal with, but I finally figured out an accurate answer to that "Describe yourself in 3 fictional characters" meme that was popular like 3 weeks ago (I'm slow.) I'm clearly a combination of Rory Gilmore from Gilmore Girls (yes,

California being the swing state to decide the election was finally stalwart evidence that Scandal takes place in a different universe than our own. If I had to choose which one I'd rather live in right now, I'd have to think long and hard about it.

I wonder why people don't bring up that point more often. Everyone kept talking about how expensive it would be to build a wall, how much work it'd be, that Mexico would never actually pay for it etc but the simple fact is: Walls don't work. You can build them as high as you want and make them as deadly as you want,

On one hand I agree with you on principle but on the other hand I'm always squeeing when one of my favorite actresses plays a lesbian/bisexual woman. (I'm a bi woman myself.)

I'm pretty sure jdzaei meant the "Previously on" segments. I agree with both of you. I like reading recaps etc after having watched a show to get other people's perspectives but I'm really not a fan of previously on segments that reveal too much. If you know your tv tropes, you can piece together a big chunk of the

The introduction of the Life and Death Brigade made me realize that I'm a total sucker for musical montages. If you set a person taking a dump to catchy music, I'd be like "This is a great scene."

Your observation is spot on for me. I'm still in mourning over Bunheads and I loved the musical. Donald, the new gay guy, was basically me during the whole thing.
Tangent: I also loved all the Bunheads cameos and I wish we could have gotten the full set.

I enjoyed the musical and I don't care who knows it. I just wish Claudia had made it into the main cast (she wasn't one of the background dancers, right? I looked for her.) God knows she deserved it for surviving having Lorelai and Emily as clients. Also I don't care how much that does not work and breaks the universe

It's because the show acknowledges that Emily and Paris are mean, selfish, entitled people while treating Lorelai's and Rory's selfishness and entitlement as lovable quirks. Think of it like this: horse meat is a delicacy, but if I promised you beef and served you horse instead, you would rightfully point out that I

Apt metaphor; I might steal that in the future. ;)

He also abandoned her every time things got difficult, though. If there's one thing Rory doesn't need, then it's a "I can fix him, mum" guy.

The only reason Tristan isn't at the bottom of the list is that he's technically not an ex. That "If I keep pursuing her, I'll eventually turn a no into a yes" shit isn't cute at all. Dean "Why won't you return my I love you? I went through all this trouble to build you a car and called you 15 times a day" Forester is