
The problem is precisely his timing AND that he singled out only Islam for sexism and homophobia. Jackie was already trying to get the point across that Muslims already deal with a lot of discrimination but they’re still American. Jeff comes in with what almost sounds like “but isn’t Islam bad?” It’s pure

I was certain Gigi was going to be in the bottom, until Widow had her deflation during the critiques.  You can do a lot of things on this show, but you can NOT mis-state the panel’s advice TO the panel.  She was toast the minute Ru asked if she got what they were saying, and gave a response that indicated she didn’t

I thought this was hilarious, but also Jeff Goldblum’s Islamaphobia is noooot a good look. Gigi should have lipsynced. Raven was a perfect Tim Gunn: hilarious and good actionable advice. Rachel Bloom was amazing. She gave heartfelt advice about how to separate criticism about your art from yourself that comes from

I was expecting the Bone Broth deal to fall apart due to the revelation of some appalling process or ingredient required to make it. Leaving out the salt was a smart dodge.

I’m sorry, but Jan deserved that win. And seeing some of y’all saying she doesn’t have the star power.. Honey, no! We don’t do that here. We don’t put a queen down. She doesn’t have what Gigi has, agreed. And that is amazing! That makes her her own kinda star. Can’t we just live for this a minute? Aren’t you glad that

While all things being equal I thought Katharine Hepburn should have won, Gigi definitely pulled an Aquaria. Does the storyline of “look queen who can perform” enliven the senses?

I love Vangie, she’s real and has stayed true to herself and she looked beautiful

Gigi is confident, but she’s also pretty humble at the same time. Just seems like a good egg with a lot to offer.

I assumed MARIA the robot was a nod to Metropolis and possibly a bit of Ex Machina if only because Gigi has been bringing the movie references. Metropolis is under copyright in both the US and the EU. I wonder if that’s why she couldn’t say it as bluntly. Parody law would have protected her in the US, but they made a

I gotta say, I just don’t get the lack of props given for GiGi’s stellar performance this ep; from her thoroughly unshakable confidence in the walk-through when Ru passive-aggressively plays ‘the External Saboteur,’ (which elicited a very meme-able tongue pop from Vanjie) to her slaying it as a fucking ‘sassy robot’,

People really need to stop doing reality show and Internet stars that alot of people never heard of

I actually thought this was pretty solid, and Gigi really had my dying laughing

Gigi had me actually cackling by my isolated self. And wow, for such a young person, they have a great amount of maturity and certainty in who they are.

None of them were painful or embarrassing to watch, which cannot be said for Snatch Games like season 10's Beyonce-Blue Ivy-Maxine Waters three car pileup.

I found myself getting annoyed every time the other term was used in this review. Holt has gotten into my head and I may never be the same.


  • I want to meet Steven’s grandparents!!!

Other than the parallels between the two characters, I think part of it was just that Rosa was already over Debbie from the moment she was introduced. .In “Manhunt,” Rosa’s the one who says they shouldn’t even pretend they care about saving Debbie’s life; then in “Captain Kim,” there’s her line about not having the

I’m a little bit bummed this wasn’t leading up to her being added to the ensemble full time. She is different enough to everyone else, especially the other two women, and she wouldn’t be accused of being a try hard Gina replacement as she’s pretty much the exact opposite of the pure unfiltered self assurance of that

Except, it’s not just the people voluntarily giving the information. Joe Schmoe over here decides he wants to find out if he’s really Italian or Irish, so he sends off his DNA and gets some BS results back in the mail that says, “surprise! you’re 87.4% Albanian, 12% Burmese, and .6% Choctaw.” Police have an unsolved