By way of contrast, here’s cycling at its most just:
By way of contrast, here’s cycling at its most just:
New York Post reporter.
At least A&M ran a promotion where the 12th woman got into this event for free.
I don’t think I’ve ever cringed so hard in my life.
I will forever remember Jacksonville as the home of Limp Bizkit. That is all.
Man, that Utah game was the best!
“Those peanuts would go great with the milk I’ve kept in my mouth for the past 5 hours”
The face of a guy who would ask you for a sip of your milk.
As an Eagles fan who probably won’t see a Super Bowl in this lifetime, watching Cowboys fans suffer in due to an inevitable collapse is my heroin. May GM Jerry Jones live forever.
This place is Colorado Springs on the Pacific.
You will wait your turn for misery and you will enjoy it.
There you are!
Poor susan :(
I sincerely look forward you posting these comments on every article that inevitably gets posted for each NFL team this year. Right up until the 32nd where you incredulously wonder why there aren’t any for 2017 yet.
This is derpy good kinja.
Boy, right out of the gate with idiocy.
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha this never gets old.
I’m not buying it.
Forget it, EagleEyedTiger. Croquemonsieur’s whole shtick is pretending(?) to be a hyper-literal ‘bad kinja’ commenter. I think it’s anti-humor, but it’s usually so vanilla that it doesn’t elevate to satire or funny, just more of a knowing regurgitation of what dumb people say.