On the one hand, I’m pretty happy to never have any sort of interaction with a Trump ever.
On the one hand, I’m pretty happy to never have any sort of interaction with a Trump ever.
Look, if DJTLite(™) was my father, I’d be in favor of Dad runnning away from home, too.
Baby shark. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo
And East Germany?
I think part of this point was that European basketball academies would never let someone like Lavar interact with their kids.
When Blue fell, he fell hard.
Best in Show? Movie about the competitive dog show scene (think Westminister Dog Show)
Made me laugh out loud and I have no idea where that photo came from. Movie?
And we can talk, or not talk....
A messy head job and then settling for a gig in Greece. Are we talking about Pitino, or Jackie O?
Came for this. +1000
He’s Zorba the 2 minute brother !
So hold on, a girl who is trafficked and preyed upon, forced in prostitution, kills a man who picks her up, is given over 50 years, but a grown ass man killing his girlfriend, pouring bleach on her, and not calling 911 until she’s definitely dead only gets 3 years? Yeah, I can definitely see how he’s more capable of…
I’m proud of the both of you for coming together this time of year and really nailing that joke. *Italian chef kissing fingers*
Come on my face
Just two months ago? That was quick!
Addiction is such a terrible demon to battle. Mental health issues, the same. To hell with the football games, I hope that Josh gets his life and his mental health straightened out soon. I feel for him.
Aren’t the Cubs more of a Downer’s Grove or a Libertyville team?
Thanks for publishing these emails. As they say, sunlight is the best disinfectant, and it also prevent Ricketts.