Tom Beef'O'Brady

Windhorst: Can you share your favorite Clippers memory?

This thread can and should go on forever.

or why Goldstein and Salami were the true heart and soul of Carver High.


Better players. Better football. Denver Broncos.” The ads write themselves.

The Teen Wolf retrospective should be exciting.

Or why Rounders was robbed by Saving Private Ryan and Shakespeare in Love for best picture 1998.

yeah what bullpen help would justify trading Xander...that shit makes no sense to me...

beantown counters ruin everything

The Indy Bowl will be cooking up The Worlds Largest Pot of Gumbo before the game at the tailgate. Plus, there will be a HUGE Mardi Gras pre-view parade the night before. Shreveport may never be the same after this years Walk-On’s Independence Bowl. 

This sounds like someone I work with that shames me on my Excel Spreadsheet skills.

[shaking head, turns off the podcast in disgust]

Now I see why Embiid has migraines and diarrhea.

Yea, but we don’t want it.

Shreveport is definitely in Louisiana

Why Your Bowl Game Sucks

Shreveport is in southern Arkansas.

This isn’t the least bit odd in the donk subculture:

I would say that I don’t know of a gay man who would put up with his funky redneck teeth, but I guess it depends on whether he’s a top or a bottom...