
My name is there for net neutrality, and somebody with my name from another state posted a form letter against the Obama administration’s “overreach” and against net neutrality.

Pedantic or not, he’s right. And I call bullshit on your argument. It’s not battery acid if it’s not acid. “Anything in a battery is battery acid” is ignorance, not colloquialism.

Alkaline Batteries are unsurprisingly lacking in Acids...

Ah but you had to know this was coming: The closest star to us is the sun, so yes, we’ve known for awhile now that it has an elaborate planetary system around it.

Something tells me that there isn’t enough idle energy and time to warrant railing like this against it in developing nations... So his point still has validity.

They aren’t the ones making an issue Nick. Hence, 1st world problems....

And they don’t bitch about it like you.

Wow. Talk about a 1st world concern.

Well, this is the dumbest article I’ll bother reading today.

Really, it’s come to this?

Yet you seem like a joy to work for.

Probably a good thing you wouldn’t hire them, I wouldn’t want to be hired by a company that doesn’t understand humor.

That is ridiculously specific.

Yeah, what audiences want out of a movie has changed drastically since Blade Runner was made. Look at horror movies from the ‘70s and early-mid ‘80s versus horror movies in the ‘90s. Or even action films: No way the original Vanishing Point would have been made into a wide release film by the time the TV movie remake

I think the real story is that io9, a geek culture site, hired people who hadn’t seen Blade Runner. I’m pretty sure you get your geek card revoked for that. ;)

Basically, it was worst thing that could happen for people that used to fly Continental before the merger.

so, doesn’t this mean that we should not use Bluetooth at all?

Fermented chaos is best chaos

Oh God come on...not everything needs to be so crazy, does it? Can we just drink beer or does it now need to be complicated? I can guarantee the best beer I ever had (German, had it at 8k ft) tasted great because I enjoyed it out of whatever and didn’t sweat the small stuff.

Having the sick impulse to call the cops, from the site of one of the worst flood disasters in American history, to report victims of that flood for looting a supermarket; but also: a crime