These issues are all solved by drinking Jameson, like a man. Ladies, I don’t know what to tell you.
These issues are all solved by drinking Jameson, like a man. Ladies, I don’t know what to tell you.
This. When you see a resistive touchscreen, you can safely assume UX (and of course UI) is way down on the priorities list.
You can modify your gloves to work with capacitive screens or just get gloves that already have a little bit of threaded copper in the fingertips.
When you remove the tea bag, dunk it up and down ten times and then squeeze it out.
Seems like all they’d need is a desire to uphold the law.
So you show up to get that permit then. I’m sure they check your passport and confirm that your visa is valid. They find out it isn’t. They’re a government organization. Why would they just be like “whatever”.
It’s called being FOR law and order. These fine people want to keep our country safe and secure. Now they have a boss who is letting them do their jobs!
Ok I am genuinely curious. What other country allows you to get a government identification card that allows you to wheel about when you are not only a foreigner, but are illegally there?
Yeah, but I shouldn’t have to remember what every single make and model is. The guy didn’t say ‘Would you like to upgrade to a Tucson?’ or ‘Would you like a small SUV instead?’ He just said ‘Is a Hyundai Tucson good?’
Sounds like your friend has an Umbellularia californica aka California Bay in their garden, not a Laurus nobilis, Lauraceae (Bay Laurel).
Nuke from orbit. Only safe way.
kikkoman is the only way to go.
Why would you buy anything other than Kikkoman to begin with? You can get it literally everywhere and it’s practically the same price as the cheap hydrolyzed crap.
Zojirushi Neuro Fuzzy Ricce Cooker, 5.5 cups
Zojirushi Neuro Fuzzy Ricce Cooker, 5.5 cups
And OHIO too!!!!!
#3 #3 #3 are you LISTENING RHODE ISLAND, # fucking 3! I’m not sure there are 5 people in this damn state that get that one.
This, 1000 times. These people need to get their finger out their nose, put the goddam phone down and MOVE!!!!!! Especially when you have one of them 3 second turn signals and 10 people behind you.
You get a solid, one-one-thousand, two-one-thousand, three-one-thousand count. If you haven’t started moving, or your brake lights haven’t at least flickered off by then, you get the horn.
That's simply called assuming. Best is highly subjective regardless of topic. There isn't one solution that best suits every situation and preference. Every solution is a compromise one way or another. People vary in where they're willing to compromise. If you don't see the point in soundbars then why click on…
That's simply called assuming. Best is highly subjective regardless of topic. There isn't one solution that best…