
The best revenge is to live a good life and excel at what you do. Once I hit my stride and the afterburners kicked in, I didn't look back. Now I have time to look at Facebook and see where the bullies have gotten in their lives. I have no regrets...

Sorry, I'm a VirtualBox newb. When I double click on the new .vhd file in the ./xmp folder, it opens Oracle VM Virtualbox Manager and... nothing else happens. I can see my other virtual OS in there. Am I forgetting a step?

Wow, you guys are really over-thinking this... 6-8 people, tops.

Assuming that you've either put as much stuff in your check-in luggage as you can, or if you're not checking baggage, put as much of the remainder of your stuff in your carry on as you can... Your belt, your watch, your change, your keys, your phone(s), your ipod, your headphones, your wallet, etc. Use that little

blah, blah, blah... no LTE radio/modem/antenna... blah, blah, blah... *My guess* is that they just didn't want to sell TOO MANY of them and not be able to meet demand... :-)

Okay - disclosure - I haven't read the TFA yet. However this post doesn't mention how the little tiny board connects back into the cellular network. Presumably, it must or it couldn't complete the transactions...

It's a good place to "dump" all your ideas and thoughts as you say. The real magic is when you need to find them again. I tend to collect people's business cards - rather than just scanning them, or typing the info into a contact manager, I snap a quick (often slightly fuzzy) photo of them and save them to Evernote

Cell phones. Bars, no calls, batteries dying at 3pm, crappy sound, clunky interfaces....

See, she should've just bought it at Walmart.

Man - I can't believe they had a launch hold because of a damned radio. I wonder if the delay duration pushed them outside their window when the winds picked up.

Maybe they just gave up and hoped no one would notice?

I'm curious - in the aftermath, has anyone stopped to analyze what the long term failure rates of all those cheap drives turned out to be? Did it cost them more in the long run to use "bargain" drives?

" The site had been ruined by readers who fled,..." You can't possibly mean that... Most former users would agree that the site was ruined, then the readers fled.

Interestingly, the photo at the top appears to show the shadow of a moon, not the spot of the impact. The impact from the video looks to be in a different spot.

"The Internet has been using ant-algorithms for about 50 years." There, I fixed it for you.

Wow! I guess *everyone* has 3-d printer but me...

This is how I do my job. I learn the information, then memorize where to find it again. Inevitably, I'll forget some of the original info, but I know where to find it. That way I don't have to remember EVERYTHING.

Maybe I don't understand scaling, but that doesn't look like 1/4 scaling to me in the first photo.

That's a nice sentiment; however, I've worked for several people whose punctuation and grammar were atrocious. Their spelling was terrible and inconsistent. You may wish to rephrase your statement to, "I won't hire people who use worse grammar than I. Here's why."