
And I prefer this one:

And I prefer this one:

One thing that isn't apparent from the photo above, but is discerned from TFA, is that the lasers only go up and down (to the sides) about 90 degrees, then return to the bottom. Sort of like waiving your arms (albeit slowly). The last picture in TFA shows numbers to the left (for hours) and right (for 5x minutes).


Does anyone know *why* vinegar works? Just curious...

I wonder if someone put the stuff on his lawn first, then it rained/hailed. So they swelled on the ground and he *assumed* that they fell from the sky?

Actually, this is Jesus' list. TSA has a different list...

It was 0x62.

I'm curious about your description: "doomed protestor." I'd heard that his friend led him away before something happened to him, and I recall that the lead tank driver was trying hard to avoid him. Did something else happen to him?

+unidelvius, I've figured out that, on my shower door, the inner surface of the door isn't glass. It's some plastic of some sort - probably for safety to prevent sharp edges if the door shatters. This plastic has gotten "etched" and no amount of scrubbing will get the stains off.

By saying they're irrational, you're kinda giving away the fact that you shouldn't get into the argument in the first place. If you do get into the argument, however, simply disengage. Don't be so invested in the argument that you can't just say, "whatever," and walk away. You have to truly disengage,though. When you

I wonder how many of those gift cards are "unusable," rather than merely unused. I went through hell a couple of years ago, buying gift cards for distant relatives, only to find out that they couldn't use them - something was wrong with the way that the sales clerk activated them when I bought them. I bought several

I wonder if the "rapatronic camera" resulted in a *polarized* picture - therefore, showing something that we wouldn't see with a modern super-fast camera?

The drone was probably programmed to work *mostly* autonomously, so loss of communications wouldn't necessarily be regarded as a world-ending scenario. Obviously, this needs to be thought out a bit more granular-ly by the programmers.

i would think that this would add to the muzzle flash as well. In a darkened environment, it might be difficult to get off a second round accurately.

It already does.

"Just look at Stevie Ray—he did cocaine and died in a helicopter crash." Oh, come on! These are not related - he wasn't flying the helicopter...

VFTS = Very Fast-Turning Star?

"... rotates 100 times faster than our very own ball of exploding hydrogen..." Excuse me: "our very own ball of *fusing* hydrogen..."

I kept waiting of for someone to say, "You Nexus... I make you eyes..."