I wanna know how show me her clitoris and barbecued chicken wings got in the same sentence.
Weeeell, I think we may have to Rock, Paper, Scissors on it.
It would also be kind of polite if you acknowledged the people who took the time to respond to you. So far, there’s been no starring of replies, no response, no thanks - nothing. Not cool.
I think you already know the answer to this honey, you really do. I totally sympathise with you (from experience) and I understand the need to talk to other people about it, particularly when you feel you’ve invested so much time in the relationship - but you really do know the answer yourself.
Short of taking legal action against your mother, there really is a simple solution - stop telling your mother and/or letting her know things. Tell your close and significant others to do the same and that you expect this rule to be honored or they will meet the same information blackout from you. Keep her shut out of…
This. Oh hell yeah, this ^.
She was being investigated for fraud/financial advantage by deception by police in the state of Victoria. Now it looks like the Victorian government will prosecute her through other means (corporate law).…
Not it’s not you. However, she does look a bit more liked she’s wondering when the Olive Garden waiters are going to put all the plates and bowls back on her dress.
Ummm . . . am I missing something?
Ahem . . . Did Orlando Bloom “where” a shirt or “wear” a shirt?
Yep, same here. You find yourself agreeing with them sometimes. I have consoled myself with the thought that I’m not really agreeing with Tones but with Tanya Plibersek, whose policy I understand he stole for this.
I’m reading the “On no, the Poors” and can see most of the commenters are looking at this from a US myopic funnel. It is not welfare. It is government rebates from our tax system that go to anyone who uses childcare or who has children. You can be on $100,000 a year and still get tax rebates for having children.…
They’re the granola type. Given that only 28-29% of our population identify as Christians (and even then they’re nowhere near the US levels of fundies) I think you’ll find statistically the anti-vaxxers would be the reasonably well off, free range lentil brigade.
Oh Gwynny. Oh honey no. As a former chef I really have to wonder what the actual fuck you are doing with that haul of beans and limes . . . . and cilantro? (You ain’t got money for garnishes girl).
Yeah - it could have been such a different sentence without it. :)