shooting magical symbols

I think I don’t buy as many summer clothes because I dislike it so much. Maybe if I had more cute dresses/skirts I would be more excited about sweating to death. ha! I truly hate summer but I know I’m in the minority, please excuse my crankiness. Luckily I live so far North I’m practically in Canada, so my summer

omg YES, Honest was so hard to unsubscribe from. I spent so long on hold with so many different reps like, “JUST CANCEL. CANCEL CANCELCANCELCANCELLLLLLL.” it was an ordeal.

I’m with you. The quality is great on the clothes and it’s not hard to understand the terms of how it works if you just FREAKING READ and CHECK YOUR EMAIL. I’ve skipped a few months but I’ve also gotten a few outfits. I love them and get compliments on everything I own from there. ALSO! I got my outfit this month and

Same! I hate that no matter what I wear all summer I’m still sticky and too warm. I’d rather be cold and bundled up in removable layers! I honestly don’t know how to dress in the summer. In fall/winter/spring you have scarves, jackets, hats, gloves, cute boots... so many options. Summer I’m like, “Uh... a cotton dress

yeah the smell is what I’m most curious about... period blood smells.

Welp you’ve just horrified me. I’m 32 and my mom hit menopause around 45, so.... this garbage can’t be too far away for me... sigh...

I mean it’s not great, but nothing will ever beat Little Nicky. It’s the WORST.

Yeah, super disgusting!!! I have like three little decorative candles in my bathroom and one little vase, and that stuff gets SO dusty and then the condensation from the shower steam makes the dust hard to get off... IMAGINE THE HORROR OF THOSE FLOWERS

Yes. My friends were on an episode of house hunters and they came off looking like spoiled jerks, but it was the result of producers feeding them lines. They did actually buy one of the houses they saw on the show, though!

YES!!! I remember the hay episode. Wow.

Yeah, it gets rough. There was a point last winter where that was ALL we talked about, and it got tiring. I didn’t even want to hang out sometimes because I knew that’s what we’d talk about, but I wanted to be a good friend. At the moment things are OK with them so it’s fine, but in the future... yeesh. Thanks for

I have a very close friend who has been cheated on by their spouse, technically once there was physical stuff, and a couple of other times, sketchy things like hanging out with other people behind the spouse’s back, using online hookup apps (that never resulted in anything, BUUUUUT), etc. Clearly the cheater is a

YES! She looks older, it’s unfortunate.

I had bangs for YEARS in my twenties, and I also had cool chunky glasses and I think it looked good because I looked so young and still had a little bit of baby fat on my face. I grew them out after having my first baby at 29, and then a year after having my baby I was like, “those bangs were cute, I want them again!”

I have a friend who has basically ignored me for the past year, even though we were very close friends for almost a decade. I have no idea why. She won’t return my texts or emails, and I’ve seen her in person and she’s been polite, but that’s it. Polite small talk. She’s withdrawn from the rest of our girlfriends too-

Nail Envy is THE SHIT! I love it and tell everyone to use it.

It’s the gelatin that’s in them, you can take a gelatin supplement for that exact purpose!

OH DEAR LORD. I would have hired security to keep her away.

Your dad is a hero

NOPE. Terrible. I would have just sat at the bar alone, F that noise!