shooting magical symbols

Most nights during this quarantine, this is how my kids have been eating dinner! cut up fruits, veggies, cheese, some sort of carb (bread or crackers, usually with peanut butter) and a handful of goldfish crackers or popcorn, and they are thrilled. Easy for me, fun for them. 

I’ll give it a listen, but Innerspeaker was nearly a perfect album as far as I’m concerned, and each album since has a been a step below the previous. It’s a bummer because that first album was so excellent. I do think some of the newer stuff is catchy, for sure... but it won’t ever hook me like Innerspeaker did. 

It’s comforting to know that we all feel the same way <3 

Totally agree! I absolutely loved this finale and everything about it. It’s hard for us as humans to understand just HOW MUCH TIME has passed for these characters. Could be thousands of lifetimes. I totally understand the “welp, I’ve done it all and seen it all. Time to go.”

Yes! I laughed out loud at that. 

Came to say this. Agree!!

I find him SO incredibly attractive and I can never put my finger on WHY. His confidence? Just the way he moves? How he’s such an angry CrankyBoi™️ as Kylo Ren?! Whatever. Swoon. 

I second this. SO many fires. You don’t know true “growing up in the middle of nowhere” boredom in the 90's until you think lighting something on fire would be fun. 

Wait was it ever actually confirmed that Bradley and Gaga were a THING? I thought it was all speculation. I must have missed it!

I love TomboyX boxers. So SO comfy. Haven’t tried their bras yet!

This is exactly what I did! I couldn’t get past season 2 ep 1. I really miss the Season 1 vibe! SUCH fun.

With you 100% on this order! 

I have a couple of pairs in really good condition from when I lived through Jnco’s in 1998- prob a junior’s size 5. Guess I should sell them?!?!

Who else worked at McDonald’s in 1999 when Disney’s Tarzan came out, and had to hear the soundtrack of Phil Collins on repeat for months on end? I can’t be the only one who remembers that! I hear ANY song from that movie and I am immediately back in time, mopping the floor, wishing I was deaf. 

I eat pretty healthy nowadays but my guilty pleasure about once a year is a Big Mac. I used to eat a few a week in the 90's (when I was a teenager with a great metabolism and worked there so I got them for FREE!), but now after I have one I do feel crummy. But oh! The joy of a Big Mac!

It’s not bad for everyone’s knees! Depends on your existing fitness, size, shape, how much you run, etc...

I’m also in the polar vortex and run in pretty much every weather condition, but I’m going to have to run on the treadmill tonight after work. At a certain point it’s just too dark/icy/dangerous to run in my neighborhood, and on those nights I’m grateful for the treadmill in my basement! I probably only use it

Here, here! I run outside whenever possible but sometimes it’s just too cold/dark/unsafe for me, and a treadmill run still gets my heart pounding and makes me sweat. And isn’t that the VERY definition of exercise?!

When my kids were babies we had the Rock & Play sleeper for them. I ALWAYS said I wanted an adult sized one - it would be so soothing.

I watch it with my 4 and 6 year old daughters! They love it, and I stand for it because I love Kimmy Gibbler 4->. Andrea Barber actually seems cool IRL - she’s an advocate for mental health and just seems pretty normal. Also, HOW have they all aged so well?! Even Stephanie! But ESPECIALLY DJ. She looks amazing.