shooting magical symbols

Agree. Plus they’re inclusive with models/body types in their advertising, and don’t airbrush! 

Same here, and we’re early 80's babies ;)

hahahaha. yeah I bet! Amazing.

YES this was me!!! I found dupes at Bradlees (possibly just a central NY thing?!) and Sears and was WAY into thrifting, so I got some great stuff from the 70's that I would mix in, and I had a lot of my mom’s old 70's jewelry which was totally 90's perfection (think giant butterfly necklace, plastic barrettes, chunky

YES! I’m about to be 36 and I saved two pairs of JNCO’s... I can button one pair but it’s PAINFUL. hahaha

Same! And when I run, I have to wear it in two french braids, otherwise it just hurts SO much! 

I loved season 1 but season 2 started going downhill for me, and I never picked it back up. Worth giving it another try?
Also one thing bums me out every time I watch this, and that is the fact that DONNA HAS BLACK HAIR. I love her natural red, she’s gorgeous! I mean hey, whatever she likes, it’s none of my business -

Favorite/best/hottest Tom is in Mad Max Fury Road, HANDS DOWN. All beat up and dirty... *drools*


I feel like the beachy 2018 waves are going to distract me! I mean, I was a teenager in the 90s. I know how I wore my hair. NOBODY had hair like this then! 

Love those plain canvas bags! Way more chic. 


YES. My brother didn’t like TLJ, and I did. He said it was “too silly” and I was like, do you REMEMBER the original movies? Have you watched them as an adult? There’s SO much goofy shit in them. I love them, but they are KID’S movies!! He was like, “Oh huh, maybe I have to rewatch” and I’m like yeah enjoy the EWOKS,

We had a big trampoline when I was a teenager, and I DID break my leg jumping on it!
I was alone, and just landed wonky - didn’t fall off, didn’t hit a spring, just a funny landing. I was going through a growth spurt (when I believe bones are more susceptible to breaks? I could be wrong about that). I don’t blame the

Yes! My 4 year old is a yogurt tube FIEND. She’ll eat 5 in a row if we don’t stop her!

Yes!! SO polite. That moment killed me!

I also have a troubling crush on Sam! I find Marc Maron to be kind of annoying on his podcast but I L-O-V-E him on this show. I love EVERYTHING about this show, if I’m being honest!

you’re so right!

AHHHH I TOTALLY Forgot about Aladdin’s Castle! 

What your age appears to be!!! If you look young, and you feel comfortable, just rock it.