
I’m going to read that article, so thanks for sharing. I wanted to add that the original concept of having less started from a good place. I fought and insisted until my husband agreed we could leave his giant grand Victorian house in a happening neighborhood because we didn’t need a three-story house. We didn’t need

I think they really wouldn’t - and won’t, if at risk.

What is it that you don’t get? The post that got me banned, or the fact that Kara Brown banned me? If it’s the former, here’s what I meant. Brown wrote an article about how both Taylor Swift and Kanye West are annoying. She wrote it right after West went nuts on Twitter with pro-Bill Cosby positions and other crap.

It’s as if all they only know of her campaign is what they’ve read Gawker/Jez.

That’s bullshit!

This is all it took:

“Men are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid men will kill them.” - Margaret Atwood.

i know that good feminism means not making fun of other womens’ appearances, but

People are going here and there constantly in Emergency Depts; 24/7. It’s not a place you’d expect to be able to isolate someone (even the isolation bays are monitored).

Honestly, I don’t really understand what these people eat so that’s part of it.

Okay so yeah, their diet means like, you basically can’t enjoy eating ever again, but I want to talk about the juice cleanse part.

When I first read that profile about their chef, I had the exactly same thought. “Sure, you look great, but at what cost?”...indeed.

If you donate to PBS you can stream US season 2/UK series 4 right now!

The Great British Bakeoff is amazing. I’ve been binging it all week, watching Series 6. The only season on Netflix is PBS season 1, UK series 5, and the next season to come to Netflix will be PBS season 2, UK series 4 (weird, right?). So I’m watching all the ones around that so that I can binge on Netflix properly

By whom? Trump supporters and Putin?

See also friends with kids who insist that their children acting up is the result of sugar consumption. It’s impossible and pointless to try and tell them otherwise; for one thing, parents (understandably) would hate to get child-rearing advice from a smartarse with no kids, and secondly that horse has already bolted.

Chopsticks are so useful. Also, disposable chopsticks are great when you have to fish something out of the sink drain or toilet bowl or anywhere else you don’t want to put your hand.

So what happens to the 16 year old who was distributing pornography?

Please do elaborate on my interests? Because Income inequality isn’t fixing racism and the supposition that it will is ignorant as all hell. Like it’s literally infuriating. As is the fact that Sanders voted for the same crime bill that they like to throw in HRC’s face. I’m old enough to remember the crack epidemic