

I am going to miss you Mr. President. You did good. Thank you. Now I am crying.

Pretty much everyone knows at this point, or should know, that you shouldn’t put baby powder on babies anymore. It’s definitely a health risk for babies, not just for their baby business, but for their lungs.

Autism Speaks is the worst. Their official position may be “we don’t know if vaccines cause autism” (which of course is bullshit) but they routinely host presenters who do at their conferences.

I read an AskReddit thread last month asking autistic individuals what they wished people knew about their lives. One of the highest-rated comments was from an autistic person saying that Autism Speaks was a “horrible” organization, and a lot of people on the Spectrum chimed in saying similar things, that the

And there you have to drag Trump into it.

You know I have this weird theory that AA just doesn’t work for some people and that’s ok. I started drinking a lot for a period of time because of something traumatic that happened that I can’t go into detail about but basically destroyed my ability to trust other people for a time. Naturally, AA meetings were

I mean, it differs from place to place. My sponsor’s best friend sponsors men and women and has both a male and female sponsor. I know a few other people who do the same. Some places are more lax about some of the rules. It’s supposed to be about motives in the end. As for pot, I mean, I think the main idea of AA’s

I haven’t been able to articulate why I dislike her so much, but you just showed me. She can’t even be bothered to pretend she gives a shit. She’s left a trail of emotional wreckage in her wake for her entire adult life and she has yet to show even a shred of remorse. I’m trying to recall if she’s ever said “I’m

What is a mild annoyance to you is a matter of life and death to an addict. It’s not always the alcohol itself (which depending on how long you cook it, doesn’t completely cook out) but the smell and the taste could be triggering. Even the thought that you are ingesting alcohol could trigger the obsessive thoughts. Or

Well, if the rumors are to be believed (and I honestly think they do), cats do not like a major change in sound.

To all the people complaining about the courts sending people to AA: The court-ordered DUI program I was sentenced to required 52 “self-help” meetings. AA was listed as an example of one of the types of meetings you could go to, but was not the sole method of meeting the court’s orders. This was also in California.

Yep, pretty sure smoking pot does qualify as a slip.

‘Jolly happy’ the way dog’s are?.. No.

Seconding a few others who have mentioned it: have you checked out SMART? It’s not a 12-step, doesn’t have anything to do with a higher power, and is rooted in cognitive behavioral therapy/modification.

Nope, it’s most likely thinking, “Bastards, I’m gonna get you.”

I had a tortie that had a vocabulary of about 6-8 words; she could express hunger (of course) impatience, a desire to play or for affection, and when someone was walking toward the front door (she hated JW’s.)

That last one was definitely not saying “This is rather fun.”

have you checked out SMART recovery or RBT therapy?

Meh, not that weird. They sound similar to non-German/Dutch speakers, but very different to us.