
It’s obvious GRRM has a thing for little girls. He had her raped by madmen and loving it. Of course she’ll win. (Dany)

this tweet is so good i’m honestly mad

she would be serving an orange drizzle cake with orange curd and orange buttercream.

If there is a way you can send his info privately, I would like to harass the fuck out of him. Maybe you want to move first, but still. No One can scare a woman and disappear a cat and get away with it. Please let me access this freak. I am so sorry for what you are going through.

My friend is going through something similar. Her housemate is being followed by a guy she had a very brief flirtation five years ago. He kept leaving anonymous gifts outside her house and showing up outside her work. She eventually got an AVO (apprehended violence order), which he chose not to fight. As part of the

I’d like to think breaking in and attacking people in their sleep isn’t something so common the police would be “Meh, whatev” about.

What a psycho. I’m so sorry about your cat. And that you unfairly have to be the one to move!

My heart goes out to Lily Allen and other victims of stalking. There needs to be a better way of protecting victims. Their reports need to be taken seriously by the police.

There’s no way he succinctly communicated an idea in a single paragraph.

I’m confused by your comment... Are you under the impression that only white people live in rural communities?

...and why shouldn’t we care about rural white people?

Your cat friend is lovely! She knows you are not going to make her eat those crumbs. Thumbs up on the string o’ lights in the well-organized tent.

Don't know if you can make her out ... she's in her pup tent cozy, in her loft. She lets me have a small work station in her loft.

She is beautiful! THAT is a brindled coat!

Mine's about 5-6 pounds. Not too heavy, but she likes to sleep on my chest. I've no doubt she lies there and wonders where she's going to start for dinner, once I've kicked.

I have no doubt that my darling eleven pound tuxedo cat would maul me and make me dinner if he was as big as a tiger. I'm okay with that.

Not to be outdone (but still hopelessly cute):

My tortoiseshell has been giving me the stink-eye all morning ... “yeah, wait until you go to sleep. THEN we’ll see who can get up on the counter tops."

I am a nurse. I did not fucking take that oath, and I NEVER would. I got to the “God” and stopped reading it, so I don’t even know what else it says.

I don’t think it’s done everywhere and to my knowledge it’s not part of licensing or registration. Some programs incorporate it as part of pinning ceremonies at graduation, but I don’t think it’s a legal oath.