
I just don’t ... get it. If you desperately want to have children with your egg and your choice of sperm, the whole surrogate thing seems to work pretty well. I have a cousin who’s doing it even as we speak, and she’s thrilled to “help”. There’s also adoption, especially right here in the US. There just seem to be so

Finally we can give Republican men the ability to carry out their dreams of carrying all the fetuses to term. I can’t wait! I want this to be a requirement for every man who is anti-abortion.

Yeah! I was wondering if maybe she could donate some proceeds to the family of the woman she killed. Oh no, that's fine though, let's keep talking about how wonderful and amazing and brave she is.

I don’t watch Jenner’s show or anything, so maybe there is more to it, but it seems like in her opinion, transitioning to a woman means donning the stereotypical garb and signifiers of femininity, like wearing dresses, long hair, having boobs, and lots of makeup, and not much else. Does anyone who is more in the know

Thank you. Jessica jones annoyed the crud out of me. Found her completely unwatchable a character. I kept at it to see if there was something I was missing. They even managed to get a bad performance out of David tenant which is pretty much impossible

500 days of American Ninja warreir??? would watch 1000/1000

................. you’re not good at like, reading, or the internet, or whatever.

You don’t need to defend Hitler, this isn’t the hill to die on.

Condoms break and people rape.

So you think that all people with HIV/AIDS got it because they didn’t take personal responsibility? Is it lonely on your pedestal?

One of my best friends died from liver failure after overdosing on Tylenol and washing it down with booze. I saw him a few hours before he died, while he was in a medically induced coma waiting on a liver transplant that he never got. It was......hard to see.

My baby daughter was caught smoking in the bathroom at school and was so afraid of her father (we are divorced, I can’t live in the same town he drove me so nuts with his psychological abuse) she tried ODing on Tylenol. Thank goodness her stepmom caught her and she was in the ER post-haste and I still have 2 healthy

I once downed a bottle of aspirin as a teenager. Woke up with deafening ringing in my ears for days, and still hear the ringing when it’s quiet enough. I still CANNOT believe my doctor and parents didn’t respond to this cry for help when I went in for the ear-ringing and told him about all the aspirin (after he asked

A nurse at a bar once told me (jokingly) how she could kill her finance if he fucked up his appetite for dinner. He’d fall into a coma, have no marks, and die.

Damn. Damn, damn, damn! Going home in June for a reunion, and the mosquitoes already have me on the menu, for sure. Imua, Hawaii and Samoa!

Soooo... Did he prefer giving or receiving more?

Release and repeat a demain.