
I can't remember what the names are, but one program cost money that I don't have, and the other didn't work because there were no meetings in my area.

There were numerous instances of sexual harassment. The worst was from a man who was in a relatively high position within AA, who knew I was less than a week sober. When I called others to try to report him, I was told the typical AA lingo. The Serenity Prayer: you can't change others, only yourself. I was given no

Yes, I’ve tried women-only meetings. It’s probably because I’ve never been the type that manages to negotiate social structures such as groups of women (starting from Kindergarten, natch), that they were more traumatizing to me than regular meetings. Feeling excluded or criticized tends to make me want to drink, both

Your reply is very helpful and astute. I have a fabulous, supportive therapist to whom I am honest, and I am more proud of telling her how long I’ve been sober than I would be telling a group of people who clap at everyone’s sobriety dates. It didn’t occur to me how helpful she’s been to my sobriety until I read your

God, I hate AA meetings. Been to hundreds of meetings in my attempts to not binge drink and refuse to go to any more. I’ve been sexually harassed and insulted. The other people bug me, most of them are crazier than the average person, and the people that go for 30 years depress the hell out of me. They consider

Very well put, Kate. I read all of GRRMs books before I watched any of the shows. I look back to that very first story/first episode where the Starks find the orphaned wolf pups with fondness, but the stories and the writing have veered away too much. I'm no longer interested. As far as I'm concerned, GRRM is a

I'm elevator? He died in an elevator? That's just wrong for anybody, let alone Prince.

Are you the cognitively impaired younger sister of a Jezebel staffer? Cuz I've been at this site forever, and your comments are stupid. Yeah, I'm just gonna come out and say it: stupid comments.

I’m 52 and weigh the same as I did in high school (125 lbs). How?

BTW my flight nurse experience was a pt with chest pain and SOB on a flight from Paris to SFO. PE vs. MI was what I was thinking. Talked with docs on ground the whole flight, there was NEVER talk of diversion, on this 12 hr. flight.

I’m sure you’re correct re half life. I personally have never seen a pt need more than the first dose to get them out of OD though. That includes bringing back a flatline prisoner who scored first thing out of jail. N

Agreed. Trauma: Life in the ER came to my hospital several weeks after I had switched from ER to ICU, so I got to hear the gossip. Word was all the women (nurses, docs, etc.) were busy doing their hair and putting on makeup for weeks. How can one really function in an ER if they're preoccupied with their appearance on

Pollyanna the paranoid from another planet.

As a HCP who has cared for a patient on a plane, I know they have Narcan (opiate antagonist) in their med boxes.

Your lapse in logic is as poor as your probably sad relationship(s).

That was my first thought.

Well, except look at his ugly-ass father. He was cute until he became an adult. Then, wtf??

Agreed. Get ready to pucker up, your majesty.

I disagree. Her choices of flavorings never struck me as good. And look what she's giving the Queen: three layers of orange. ???

It’s obvious GRRM has a thing for little girls. He had her raped by madmen and loving it. Of course she’ll win. (Dany)