
Since its public information, I will get you the case number.

Yes, that’s the problem. What good is a piece of paper from a judge if the cops are confused, or as I said, dumb. And like Lily Allen said, if she can’t get help, how can I? I’ve lived in fear from my neighbor for a year, and am traumatized to the point of not wanting to leave my house. The only way I can live

I’ve decided they’re just stupid. Just yesterday I was in a hearing for a TRO against my neighbor who threatened to kill my cat (cat is gone - draw your own conclusions), sociopath neighbor lies and said I was harassing him yadda yadda yadda, judge says how about a mutual TRO. We all said fine, signed the paper. As I

Thanks for that. I live in a very rural area, and white people are in the minority.

I’m an RN in a rural area. I looked into becoming a forensic nurse examiner, in part for income but also because the police here have to drive the victim several hours away to the closest FNE.

That's the funniest thing I've read all day!

Too bad stylists can't fix the inbreeding that made him look like...ugh, I can't even.

OMG my 5-6 pounder does the same thing! She sometimes sleeps on my head. If I sleep too late, she wakes me up by patting me on the face. Once I'm out of bed, she leaves. It's like she thinks it's her duty.

Torties are the best!!

You are correct, it’s not part of licensing to be a licensed nurse anywhere in the US. Requirements to get a license whether for LPN or RN in the US are two:

“all nurses take”

Sigh. It’s NOT “San Fran”.

At the risk of being banned, I ungreyed your post. Truth in the media and all that.

I don't get it.

I wonder if anti-vaxxers would not immunize their children against yellow fever.

I am going to court soon for a permanent restraining order against a male neighbor. I wish I could put this on a shirt to wear to court for the judge to read. Or maybe I could say it at some point?

I know! I was so wrapped up in hair reminiscence that I couldn’t pay attention to what she was saying.