
My belief is that they are both sex addicts who found a religion that endorses that. So he wouldn’t care if she could get preggers or not. Anyway, the fact that Josh is a sex addict adds credence to my theory.

How can anybody never have had a cup of coffee? Is he Mormon?

Except he will be like 92.

Applauding the brilliant use of chopsticks! Keeps that red dye off your fingers.

Something similar happened with dietary salt, many years ago. Now we have a nation that erroneously believes salt is bad for you.

There would be medical records of any procedure done on the (excuse me while I gag) anal tear. I want to see them, to see how bad it was or wasn’t, before I make a decision.

I know a guy who physically destroyed his PC after he got a fake FBI email about his porn usage. Creepy, stupid, or both?

So here is the website for the school district, if you want to complain about the way admin is dealing with this:

Good one!

Is being hit by a car a restaurant? I dunno - I live on a Hawaiian island that literally has none of these horrible restaurants.

Thank you.

Yes, 100% goes to HIV funds. I discovered Viva Glam when I was working at my local HIV community- based organization in 2004, because MAC sent us the fliers for the latest celeb at the time. I also knew from my work that our biggest grantor of funds was the MAC grants we got. Larger than state, I want to say even

If there is such a thing as a Napoleon complex for short men, I think we can call men with dick issues having a Hitler complex.

HCP learn about this not uncommon condition. When I was teaching clinical nursing, there was a long-term care patient with it. As the students bathed him, they were able to inspect it. Great learning experience.

I’m sorry. I too have tried multiple times, but without success. One of my ODs was with a medication that I knew as a nurse should do it, but I didnt take enough for it to work AND it left me with cardiac issues. Im working with a good psych MD, just got put on another antidepressant this week. Ive had 8 rounds of ECT

Its called harm reduction.

Tylenol is a brand name for paracetamol aka acetaminophen.

PSA: do not use tylenol or aspirin to OD, because if you survive you might need a new liver (tylenol) or be deaf (aspirin). Among other potentially life-ruining side effects.

1. If its on FB, assume its BS.

As someone who lives on the island of Hawaii, where we’ve been battling Dengue since last October, I can’t believe this story is not in either of the Hawaii newspapers.