
Am I the only person on Gawker that lives in a county, on an island, where GMOs are illegal? Hawaii. Roseanne Barr - she lives here, and she used her money to ban them. Half the papaya crop had to be destroyed!

You guys are the worst. I swear, I came hear to see if Whitney is any less obnoxious now than when she was on Chelsea Lately. I laughed so hard I forgot about Whitney.


Ohio? Wait, this girl is doing this in Ohio. She deserves a lot of respect for her courage.

Yes, it occurs. I have seen the maggots in refrigerators in the pharmacy, mad I have watched wound care nurses apply them to gangrenous toes. I haven't yet gotten to see them a few days later, when the wound bed is clean and the maggots are plump.

The way I read the article, plus your quote, is that the WHO is advising condom use until they know more. In some countries in Africa, it’s been difficult (reference HIV) to increase condom usage.

I apologize in advance if this makes you ill, BUT, those look like the maggots we use on wounds in the hospital to, um, clear away dead tissue. That was what I thought they were until I looked more closely.

I didn’t know that. Breastfed both my kids for a year, plus that was 23+ years ago.

I was wondering that, too.

#unappreciative #firstworldproblem

You are unclear on the concept of gift-giving.

I know, right? When I saw the quote “With formula costing us $80 a week”, my first thought was, why don't you breastfeed? It's free. My second thought was that these are the kind of parents who when this monster grows up to be a jerk, they kick him out of the house along with a bill for all that formula etc. Third

I'm intrigued. Got a link?

Right? Or how about fat guys who only want to date skinny women? Like they are completely unaware of their beer bellies and chubbiness.

I’m unclear why a “nursing association” or the military would buy these when there is already a company that specializes in responsive medical manikins:

I had ECT and lost a few months completely. About six months is just bits and pieces.

All the women in my family were passing these books around 10 years ago. I have an autographed book( yeah, not so much now). My 70+ mother was reading this stuff. I'm mortified now about how wrong, just wrong these books are when it comes to women.

The author is to blame for writing books based on a woman who is exactly what you said about her. An obnoxious pretentious twat. And a nymphomaniac. Which is partly why you and I read the series with such gusto 10 years ago, but now in the re telling or rereading we realize - this woman allowed herself to be

Kelly, you can fix this for all of us. You write the sequel, and it will be a million times better than the rapey original.

Pray tell, do not read the books. You will hate her even more.