
I can’t edit my own post but I misspelled his name. It’s Elliot Kwok.

Merrie Monarch

Vili is Samoan-American. Anybody want some cheering up with Samoan hula (this performance was done this past week).

Well, it does remind me of my youth (high-waisted being the only way to wear pants in the 80s), and yes, I cringe.

I came here to say this. The self-satisfied guy in the Dodgers cap especially, makes me glad I don't live on the mainland any more.

I had a pharmacology instructor who tried to kill a former student while I was taking his class. He went to prison for a while. I googled him recently, he is now working as a pharmacist in CA. Dispensing medications. His name is Elliott Kwok.

I wonder if the military will change its practices based on WHO recommendations. Currently they support doing c sections in advance of a father’s deployment.

That's probably why you're still married and I'm not. I would have told my now ex he could sleep elsewhere or else be the one who did all the night feedings.

Since my Dad was born in Amsterdam, and I’ve visited numerous family members throughout the Netherlands, I am fascinated by the culture. While none of my family would go to a coffee shop or the red light district, or frolic nude in the park, they talk about it frankly when I ask. And while I don’t smoke weed or do

Anecdotal note: I visited the Red Light district with a guy friend, out of curiosity. The woman we chose was from South America (mentioning only because of the human trafficking issue). She was very clinical in how she handled the whole thing. She stripped, had him lie down with me sitting in a chair at the head of

Controversial, but works great: have them sleep in your bed. It's so easy to stick your boob in their mouth and then go back to sleep. Did that till they were sleeping through the night then moved them to a crib.

Yes. My memory of leaving Bali still traumatizes me.

Okay! I'll see if I can find you on FB. Would love to learn more and hopefully by then I will have figured out the cesspool vs. composting toilet/grey water issue.

I saw hair like that on two women the other day, though not quite that close to God. In a Mexican restaurant in Hawaii, so , not in Texas. I was fascinated and couldn't keep my eyes off of them, as I wondered where they went to get their weekly set and curl, how they maintained it (on a long airplane trip?), and if

Thanks for this great expose. I want to reiterate one salient fact you pointed out, for those who skim articles: bottled water costs 1000 times more than tap water. Perhaps it's because I'm old enough to remember the days when there was no such thing, but I've never understood why people waste their money on it.

I would love that! Unfortunately we can't because I'm on the island of Hawaii. But if you want to do it virtually, let me know. I'd have to find a place here that has beer AND free wifi, though.

Thanks for writing this. I've been living out of my Honda Fit for the last few weeks, waiting for property I bought to close escrow. It's just land so I'll be clearing it myself, sleeping in a tent, etc., with the goal of building a fully functional cabin while paying cash for everything.

Email sent. BTW I agree with you about AA.

Is there a way to continue this discussion privately?

Yes, I would do it again. The benefits were that I stopped having suicidal ideation for about three years (I had about five weekly treatments four years ago), and I didn’t need meds until about a year ago. The drawback was loss of memory. Like blackout drunk forget - I didn’t realize I’d forgotten to even DO Christmas

Spewing coffee all over iPad - thanks for the laugh!