
I read a review somewhere that said

It’s worth pointing out that with the removal of gunsmith parts, dismantling weapons and gear will directly award gunsmith reputation. So if you have a vault full of junk, you may want to wait until after WQ drops to dismantle it all. You’ll save the extra step of having to turn in the parts, and you might get some

This... Isn’t Copyright infringement though. It’s technically would be considered fair use/ a Parody. Which is why Nintendo isn’t suing the maker, they’re just forcing Youtube, and Twitter to take down videos. Which they’re likely complying due to business reasons, not legal reasons. I’m sure Youtube/twitter gets

I mean, the footage isn’t exactly realistic either. We aren’t talking Soldier of Fortune here. This is cartoon violence.

It’s weird to me that you’d read this whole article and think it’s entirely premised on not understanding that IP law exists.

Tim said the same thing under my 2019 post given his experiences working with a major japanese publisher, but yeah, thought it needed repeating here!

What’s interesting is that in this case it’s likely not copyright infringement. Since its a game about hunting pokemon (in the literal sense rather than the “I caught it in a ball so we can be friends!” Sense) this would likely be considered a pretty obvious parody which is fair use. Its why Nintendo had to buy the

Equally weird to me that despite this Nintendo is the only company to go to these lengths when many others, from Microsoft on down, don’t just avoid such punitive actions but sometimes even work WITH the modders and creators responsible.

Game Pass needs to slow the fuck down.

Weird that you call it “blaccent” when I call it “average citizen from New York”

I don’t understand the back lash. She’s a person of color thus the award. She’s from NYC thus the accent and attitude. Ya’ll never watched Nora from Queens or her YouTube videos? I think the people complaining want her to sound “Asian”?

Yours is “literally” the only negative take on the title that I’ve seen.

DIM is also good, and even the Bungie app is actually fine.

Mr Bayliss said he was “very in tune with my moral compass, as a person” and the thought that families weren’t able to purchase a games console as a result of his business had bothered him.

Always a sign you have full confidence your business is doing the right thing when your promo shot hides your face.

From Gizmodo:

Once again, recreation is the reward of the wealthy for being wealthy, while for the poor, it’s the cause of their poverty. 

There’s a reason scalping has a bad rep. It’s because these scalpers are not adding any value. It would be one thing if they were adding value by doing something some people were unwilling to do, like go to a store and pick up a console when others don’t want to do it for some reason. That’s the niche that something

lol at this line