
Honestly I find it hilarious that the kind of goober that says “git gud” is being told by a dev to git gud.

Gamers who take shit this seriously are entitled whiny pricks that deserve to be trolled off the internet. What the devs said is mild at worst and anyone who took actual offense to it should do everyone a favor and shut the fuck up forever. Highly embarrassing shit.

You’ll note that my criticism is neither that they should have updated the game, nor that they shouldn’t have released the games as is. My criticism is purely the revolting nature of the message, pretending that leaving it as is, despite their full-body retching at the horror they just sold me, is some act of public

Dude most people on the internet are just wasting space with useless comments about things they’re uninformed about, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that many people on the internet are creating awesome stuff.

That’s really not relevant or germane to the discussion. It takes nothing away from the fact that, if not for piracy, most games would simply vanish into the ether once they reached the end of their immediate commercial viability.

Yup, most game discs these days can’t actually play the game if you put them in a console that’s not connected to the internet. All this crowing about “game preservation” connecting it to discs is silly when those discs haven’t contained a working copy of the game (in the majority of cases - I bet GOTY edition

Pirates saved the entire 16bit generation. 

Yes, preservation.

I think one thing that does not get enough attention with this shift is the effect on the secondary market. In addition to being a valuable system for keeping playable games in circulation, I’ve seen how it enables whole populations of lower-income individuals to enjoy gaming. Buy a game this week, play it, sell it

Little case study for you:
I own Silent Hill Origins for the PSP, digitally, on PSN.

Honestly its more then just that these days. My son recently wanted to get into a table top wargame and my wife and I have Warmachine/Hordes. Our stuff is mostly the first and second edition of the game and somehow between the last two moves we lost some of the rule books and the model cards.

Pirates are doing *MOST* of the heavy lifting when it comes to game preservation. See also: movies and music

Imagine if you devoted 1/10th of the energy you expended defending a billionaire on anything else. Like, for example, the people she brazenly wishes to disenfranchise.

Same here. I grew during the JDM boom and this was a regular thing when people were building JDM spec cars. This was actually when the OEM+ style started to become more popular and people started to get away from bodykits and neon lights.

Disagree on the foreign market badging. A notable example is KIAs old logo was terrible in the US, but the KDM badge looked kinda cool. Who cares if non-enthusiasts don’t know what it means, it’s not for them.

Part of it is that they also added a lot more systems to make it more accessible to people. Elden Ring has a gentler difficulty climb, and a lower skill threshold to still access. It does a better job of taking people on the journey, where Dark Souls games were historically more about bashing your head against them

That to me for a Souls game is crazy high, meaning either the games aren’t as unforgiving as popular lore has it, or ER in particular is more forgiving.

I quit both Dark Souls 1 and Dark Souls 2 fairly early in the games because I would get hard stuck on a boss and decided that smashing my face into a brick wall wasn’t why I was playing games.

What everybody here has said about the open world and exploration runs true, at least for me. I’m loving Elden Ring because I

This game is much more accessible than any of their prior games. For the most part, in the Souls games, if you get stuck on a tough section or boss, you’re pretty much just stuck until you figure it out. Grinding for souls to make you stronger is more tedious. In Elden Ring, if you get stuck on something, there’s

You’re likely underestimating just how major a change it is to add an open world and mount to the Dark Souls formula. With Dark Souls games while players are able to choose where they’re going, most of the level design is fairly linear. So when players come across an obstacle, you don’t have much choice except beating