
The game would have taken place in a shared universe between Titanfall 2 and Apex Legends, two acclaimed Respawn Entertainment shooters with lots of similarities that have seen plenty of fan speculation about overlapping lore in the past.

Yeah, I remember grabbing it for free off PSN thinking “is the single-player REALLY as good as they say?”, and not really seeing it for the first couple of missions. Then you get to the stage with THAT device, and all the fun gimmicks in the levels after, and....yeah, Titanfall 2 has one of the greatest 1P FPS

Damn that’s a shame. At this point everyone knows Titanfall 2 had a surprisingly great campaign, but I’ve never seen another multiplayer game that combined the parkour movement and feeling of big, lumbering power in the mechs so fluidly.

That prefab house factory level still sticks in my mind as such a great, original level idea

I would kill for another Titanfall game. Every so often I’ll fire it up for the single player campaign.  Another great IP, down the drain.

EA spent so much time and money trying to make Battlefield 2042 into their CoD when Titanfall 3 was sitting on the table the whole time. So stupid 

I mean, who know what this game would’ve been like, but it’s hard not to feel like the closest thing we were gonna get to Titanfall 3 just got cancelled. What a bummer.

Oh for the love of God...

I’d say this is a “both side equal” fallacy: there clearly one party a lot more interested in helping people than the other in the USA. It’s just that it’s elective system is waaaaay too predicated on maintaining “status quo” by giving too many levers of brake on disruptive legislation.

People love to complain. 2000 years ago this guy would have a religion created for him, now people who do exactly fucking nothing to help others go on their billionaire-owned social-network fiefdom of choice and bitch he simply hasn’t cured enough people.

M Night Beasts money comes from the spectacle. Nobody is buying

Yea not sure how much I care about a bunch of twits crying foul who likely have done next to nothing to help others when they needed it.  This dude does good stuff for people consistently.  He can’t change the government but he sure is trying to show an example at least to some degree.  While he might be able to fund

I used to think cataracts were just for old people, but then I got fast-developing cataracts in my 30s, and they sucked. I went from my eyesight being a bit blurrier than normal to barely being able to read anything in six months. So fortunate that I had the money to pay for the $10k surgery, can’t even imagine having

I wonder if any of the 1000 people whose vision he helped restore feel the same way.

Maybe Beast is fine, he strikes me as benevolent but uninterested in deep examination

Speaking as a person who is severely vision impaired, I could not give a shit if Mr. Beast got a mind blowing orgasm every time he helped restore someone’s vision. These poor people got the help they needed and even bonuses like a car or money. Yes, our health care system sucks a big floppy donkey dick, and it should

I grew up with the belief that the best charity is when you give anonymously and those that receive, also receive anonymously. That being said, stunts like this bring attention to the issue, and overall it still is plenty of good, both to those who had the surgery and to others becoming aware of the issue.

In the end,

To me, one should reserve their ire for folks who complain about our screwed up healthcare system and then not vote (or vote against that interest).

Every election cycle we vote against our own best interests with no end in sight. In this environment I will take clout-chasing philanthropy over people who only contribution to society is twitter jokes. Mr. Beast did not create the system and he can;t undo it. Only we can but we wont.

Oh weird. I took a two year break came back four months ago and have played every day since.