
I’ve got a sizeable game industry LinkedIn network and it acts as an excellent journal of what’s been going on.

That’s really not what the article is suggesting. Regardless, Kotick “should” be removed as a first step. But Kotaku isn’t implying that getting rid of Kotick will magically fix the problem, particularly since the problem is largely systemic.

Maybe, but you still remove the original tumor.  You sure as shit don’t just leave it there to continue metastasizing.  There’s no path to wellness that doesn’t involve excision of the original source of the infection.  

This rules and I suggest solidarity from other team-based games.

Wow I barely played this game, with a week or two long stint. And those demands are pretty much the annoyances I noticed in the first week. Similar to some elements of EVE Online, these things become mentally taxing and unfun, eventually outweighing your desire to continue playing.

Get fucked, pig

I can see the point of the law but why snitch? Mind your business and pay your beeper bill 

That’s not true. Early G4 was (by 2000s standards) pretty tame and generally good (if low budget) quality that was way ahead of it’s time. It was not flawless, but absolutely nothing from the era is. It (and by extension it’s audience) did not become a cesspool until the later years when they kept desperately trying

I think there’s something to the old G4's complicity in this and marketing to these kinds of shitheads. Austin Creed joked about this in the reunion special—G4 wasn’t perfect. Its hosts were of a certain hue, its programming (especially after Comcast made them go full Spike TV) was for a certain demographic. And in

i’d watch gamer feminists tear into chuds forever, and if the name facilitates, power to'em

Wait actual question though, why in the world would anybody named Indiana Black choose to go by ‘Froskurinn’ when she could instead go by ‘Indiana Black’?

If your gut reaction to this is to get defensive (like many people in the twitter replies) then it might be time to start examining your personal bias. 

Hopefully, at the least, this causes those douchebag viewers to just go away.

Good on her for tearing into a long-growing cancer on the G4 fanbase.

Swing and a HUGE fucking miss lol.

You sound like someone who’s trying to justify a company literally removing paid content from a game in a manner completely unheard of before.

As excited as I am for the new expansion, I wish they’d dedicate a percentage of that “staffing up” to fixing the game in its current state. PVP, bugs, world design, easy QoL stuff, etc.

It is such a good time to be a Destiny player right now.

There are far more new players in the game than you might realize. And as with the discussion above about Warframe, the story is only tangentially related as to whether people stay - it’s more about do they enjoy the game loop of combat, abilities, farming, and most importantly to many - playing with friends. Neither

The Warframe devs got asked that same question recently. Their answer was that it’s pretty much impossible to increase the percentage of people that once they start, they stay on. It either clicks with someone or it doesn’t and there isn’t really any in-between. They reworked the entire opening segment of their game