
Think about it this way:
“Buenos Dias” is a common Spanish phrase that people are familiar with. As an English speaker, we are taught that it means “hello” or “good morning”. Literally though, it translates into “good days”. “Hello” is still a good translation, but it does demonstrate the point of how no two languages

THIS is the article I was looking for when all the “here’s how people are reacting to BD” stuff kept coming out. Thank you.

Yeah, having played the game, he’s really fundamental to the core plot. The overall narrative of boyfriend dungeon is man vs. self, and Eric represents a narrative complication/challenge to that in how he is trying to exert control over you.

“fuck this country in particular”

Project+ is not an official Nintendo made product and promoting it to the public, such as in a tournament, falsely makes it seem like a Nintendo product.

I think the mod is not allowed under the End User License Agreement, so Nintendo can threaten legal action if it is used?  But I am not a lawyer, or expert in this field, so I am sure there are people already typing up their responses as to why I never should have posted this.

I'm pretty sure they were doing their own event, and Nintendo went after them anyways. 

Hello, welcome to the comment section, my name is PixelAviStupidName, and I love the taste of corporate boot leather. Saved you the time, you can stop scrolling now.

Probably more to do with their iron grip on their intellectual properties and refusing to have their brand tied to any mod of said intellectual properties. They’re just as aggressive in regards to Smash Ultimate mods
(like ones that improve their shit online functionality).

That’s...not exactly how that works though. Does the community need to fix itself yes? But they can’t just not run the tournaments. Those things aren’t cheap and even losing 1 year is enough to force these kinds of things stop permanently.

So unless these tournaments are actually run by the people who should be on a

It’s just Nintendo’s legal team acting like they literally always have. Applesque levels of locked ecosystem and software control. Creepy shit. 

The magazine for the pistol is flashcards and I cannot handle it.

That combination of puzzles, gunplay and spookiness gives me serious old-school Resi/Silent Hill vibes. Looks like one to watch.

Crap, that’s terrifying.

Many years ago, when I shopped for groceries, my bill was typically around $150. Always wrote a check until late one day the white cashier decided my check was bogus.

Exactly. Gameplay time ≠ enjoyment derived

This is a whole lot of words that can be thrown out the window with the phrase “this is what reviews are for”. 

This is a bad take.