Now playing

Can’t help but feel this is a reference to this infamous Vinny bit:

I’ll just let you watch the trailer:

I was once forced to take shelter from a tornado .under an overpass on the KS turnpike. Back then (before cellphone warnings), it was possible to get caught by surprise like that. I was driving a semi, lightly loaded, and the tornado was heading towards me from the side. Most of the 4-wheelers on the highway that day


Unless you’re on a motorcycle just don’t.”

They do, actually.

So many Jalop prudes. Shame on ya.

It’s amazing what politicians get all passionate about isn’t it.

My kids all love ButtSexWes(the van's name) and they are always consulted before I choose new decal designs.

Thanks for the support! ❤

The whole purpose of the federal First Amendment (at least as it pertains to speech) is that it protects speech that some people might find offensive. If the First Amendment only protected innocuous speech that everyone agreed with, we wouldn’t need the “free speech” portion of the First Amendment.

Cheating is bad, if people cheat, that’s scummy and bad karma but all this back and forth accusations seems like a really REALLY low stakes and slightly embarrassing soap opera.

But Miyamoto isn’t playing Ingress, he’s playing Pokemon GO.

Look, these are probably YOUR favorite games or whatever, but have you stopped and think that maybe people who work at Nintendo actually LOVE Nintendo games?

Why wouldn’t Shibata say he really likes something like Red Dead Redemption II that’s not available on a Nintendo system or made by Nintendo at a Nintendo shareholders meeting? I mean it just beggars belief that they would use such a question to big up their own products, or ones they have a hand in, at their

Yeah, Breath of the Wild came about because Nintendo execs only play Pokemon GO.

Yeah it’s such a shame that they don’t try to copycat the latest crazes like every other game developer on Earth already does.

Can you imagine being the guy who originally came up with the concept of Pokemon Go, knowing that the most legendary game creator in our time enjoys playing your game with his family?

I dunno. The part where the Capcom team’s butts puckered right up when they realized he fucked up the prank was certainly enjoyable.

Imagining all the stiff Japanese suits learning about the prank in real time is pretty fun for me though :P