
It’s definitely a big part of Tokyo, and while it’s not all-encompassing it’s not really misrepresenting and a lot of it is what Japan often uses to represent itself — when they announced the Tokyo Olympics Shinzo Abe literally came out of a Mario pipe. Not sure what the huge problem is.

It’s a silly and fantastical promo but if any countries have lost their right to complain about being portrayed hyperbolically by other nations it’s Japan, Britain, and the U.S.A.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to finish my re-watches of Evangelion, Fullmetal Alchemist, The Last Samurai, Braveheart, and Downton Abbey

I mean... it does look like some neighborhoods in Tokyo though? Akihabara, the arcades, the gatcha machines...?  I thought that fighting game part was actually really cool.

Capitalism is freaking out in general over the way Millennials and younger are doing everything. They’re tired of it, and the wealthy people at the top are freaking out. Ads don’t work, traditional brands and service models are being rejected, people are tired of being paid shit wages, cars aren’t being bought, houses

Gotta love how there are entire companies out there that exist just to solve the “problem” that younger people aren’t being bombarded with ads every single moment of our fucking lives.

Yeah, I meant the delivery system and concept. They’re touting it as a revolution in ads, but this has been part of the AdSense API for well over a decade.

I mean, the difference is in your comment: “freemium.” If I pay 60-70 bucks for a game and have to watch ads between rounds/games/quarters/periods/matches/whatever, then they can definitely fuck right off.

If the games end up being free-to-play, then it’s not really an issue, however annoying it is.

Wait, how is this any different than any mobile freemium games that ask you to watch video ads for slight boosts or goodies?

The use of ML in game content generation / refinement is super interesting, and I suspect we’ll start to see some real applications in the next decade or so.  One thing that really interests me is that traditional procedural content generation has a really hard time making content “interesting”; take No Mans Sky for

Brands don’t deserve the loyalty of fans and this is why. Fan created maps based on a 20 year old game only provides free advertising for MGM, there is nothing malicious or profit making to be had by the fan here.

This is really upsetting.
As an artist myself, seeing all that hard work get put down like that is just sickening. What is especially stupid is that this is by likeness alone, with no matching code. 

Oh wow, I totally remember having this flyer. In fact, I think I ordered from this company a VHS that showed off footage of these games along with all of the menus. It had a creepy computer voice that announced the name of all of the carts. Wish I still had it but I gave it away years ago.

Gifting only works in the same pricing region, and has worked that way since 2015.

That is the worst example of false equivalence I have seen on this story. It would be like Epson selling a “I hate Russians” edition printer, or an Employee saying that in a Microsoft press release. That would make the message seem officially from the company. Microsoft does not care what you type in Word. They do not

You’re creating a false equivalence between people offended by words that disrupt the conservative status quo, and people critical of words that reinforce the harms of the conservative status quo.

This reeks of AI or Machine Learning. Or some algorithm pointed at 8chan and just banned the most used phrases.

Must have the mid-shift working on that Talking Point bot.

Comment posted too quickly for me to have read article in entirety. Condescending sentence calling out author for not including piece of information clearly detailed in paragraph 4 of the story. Follow-up referencing tangential or entirely unrelated fact betraying a shallow understanding of the topic based on half a

Comment that contradicts author’s post but in a passive-aggressive way to seem edgy, but really I’m just fishing for upvotes and hoping people will respond so I can call them out and spit vitriol at them.

With China (possibly) looking to outright ban crypto mining and the looming switch to proof of stake block chain systems, the crypto currency portion of the great video card shortage of the 21st century should be nearing it's end within the next few years. 😀