'Tits The Season

Beautiful asshole.

It’s like he emerged as a real life Cliff Huxtable just in time for the false Cliff Huxtable’s fall from grace.


Da fuq is this shit?? Seriously?? People will buy anything, amirite?

I agree we are in a FAR better place. Remember early in his presidency how careful he had to be around issues of race? There was the incident with Henry Lois Gates and the “beer summit”, and he was so careful to acknowledge but not to rock the boat, lest he be dubbed “racist” by the right wing crazies. Now he is

The Guardian spoke to Aislinn Pulley, co-founder of Black Lives Matter Chicago, who declined attending the gathering, saying it “would only serve to legitimize the false narrative that the government is working to end police brutality and the institutional racism that fuels it.”

What if you discover that the goat is your true love?

At around 5 a.m. during the first night my boyfriend spent at my apartment, we were shocked out of our sleep by a

“I am more than happy to drag your intimidation tactics into the public eye for all your customers and prospective buyers to see.”

Nice closing to the article. I approve. I am also a honda engineer!
(Not really, see how that works? You can say ANYTHING)

No, they would obviously name a son (or daughter) Robert Kardashian, after his father (I don’t think Rob’s a Junior, from my quick Wikipedia glance). Because as Rob tweeted before, HE can pass on the family name. So that would be the ultimate burn.

This guy, Macklemore? This is the kind of try-hard that I like.

really sounds like the kinda guy who would order ‘bitch hunter’ to series for like three seasons without even seeing the pilot

and the second one being a raging pot addict and drunk to boot.

“I made a joke about dating, and then AMY made a joke about dating!! THEN I made a joke about boobs, and of course Amy went and made a boob-joke too! Then I did this whole bit where it would be surprising that I was being crass because I am a girl, you know? Guess what! AMY went and did that too! And Amy NEVER steals

“at least Cosby knocked his victims out b4 he raped them.”

This is tasteless and I care for it a lot. My infantile friends saw that image and now they’re all screaming in unison. Thanks, Deadspin.