this baby nero looks like he’d slit my throat to use my blood as rouge. no.
this baby nero looks like he’d slit my throat to use my blood as rouge. no.
k bye
Im not on twitter, or even remotely cool/hip, and even I know ‘delete your account’ means ‘ recede back into the crevasse from whence you came, thou unsuccessful pot-stirrer.’
I bet Hilary would sign on for that deal. She has more than done her time with Bill’s bullshit.
I was just reading today about non-spousal “First Ladies.” They were quite common in the 1800s and were called White House hostesses. They were usually family members of the sitting president (sisters, daughters, nieces, daughters-in-law). But since Michelle is entitled to Secret Service protection for the rest of her…
I understand that, according to the constitution, Obama needs to step down as president but what’s the law on Michelle staying on as FLOTUS?
Just because they’re both corny and light skinned, it doesn’t mean-
Annie Apple is the alternate-dimension Liz Lemon where her life is 100% together.
Hillary needs someone who can fill in the areas she lacks - she’s extremely high profile and regarded as competent and capable, but has high negatives and a long record to be evaluated. She needs someone young, media friendly, charming, and diverse. Her VP doesn’t need to have a strong record - she needs someone to…
I hope Biden, in a welcoming gesture/passing of the torch, has new VP Castro come to DE and join him for a train ride and some coffee. They’ll stop at Joe’s favorite café (Wawa), kiss some babies, shake hands with the locals, do donuts in Joe’s Corvette—just really prepare Castro to take over under President Clinton.
Might I suggest Joe Biden of Delaware/all of our hearts.
DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ? Are you insane? The one woman Democrat who’s more widely despised than Clinton?
Thank you for your sexism. I’ve now had my quota for the day, and it’s not quite lunch!
Wendy Davis of TX would be great.
“We’ll start with a broad list ...”
Everything about this woman is boring. I can’t even say she’s vanilla, because vanilla is actually delicious.