I, too, made eggs—- dropped ‘em watching POTUS!
I, too, made eggs—- dropped ‘em watching POTUS!
As a Latina from Miami, I thought white = Jewish until I went to college and then realized Jewish people are seen as a minority by everyone else. I was dying last night when I heard Cruz (go back to Canada, bro). Still shocks me that anti-Semitism is a for-real thing. “money and the media”— seriouslY!?!
edited to add
The youngest (7) put on a nice shirt and tie and played his violin (“Ode to Joy”, but really slow so it’d be sad).
That was my first though. I have a small SUV and when my basset was alive I had to carry her up and down from the car. They get lots of back/joint problems. Worth it, cuz look at her senior face!!
For what it’s worth, 2015 you looks super fab!!
HAHAHA. I actually did LOL— felt so sad for that old guy until the end!
Star off to the side (to the left a little), instead of clicking the actual star.
EXCUSE ME. I just finished watching jurassic world and would also like to look like a dinosaur. WHAT COLOR IS THE MANI?
LOLS. I’ll give them some tiny credit for the accent over Sofía though.
shut up and take my money! #bernieisbae must be a thing!
AW, Old Basset! I too send kisses!
That is all you know? Allow me to introduce you to LUDACHRISTMAS.
beat me! i made it fifteen before breaking into fits of giggles.