'Tits The Season

I mean to be honest as a New York Jew I had zero idea that Jews were a minority in this country until college.

If this isn’t in the wikipedia entry for cougars, it should be.

I will invent some strict rules for you. A cougar must be at least 40 years of age and her prey 32 or below. Simply being over 40 is not sufficient for cougar status, there’s a certain amount of effort that goes into it. Both with hair/makeup/clothes and with aggressive pursuit of prey. And it’s not good enough to

Yes, darling. Because, believe it or not, “We Americans” includes Muslims. I know it is a shocker.

When someone doesn’t agree with you reflexively calling them an idiot or other names reflects poorly on you.

It’s her! She’s pregnant!

Strong vocab game randilyn. I’ll admit it, I had to look it up.

Sitting up here in NorCal, white people do grow the best weed in the world.

Optional only for a few??? You do realise that the muslim populations in India, Nigeria and Indonesia as well as other countries dwarf that of middle eastern nations. Only about 20% of muslims are Arab. China has the same number if msulims as Saudi Arabia. Just because the IranI government or the Saud family or

Nope, I don’t think Surfboard is trolling.

Not my proudest moment, but a solid joke nonetheless.

Because: David O. Russell
(and his campy brand of genius)


I don’t understand how Cruz is eligible either. My understanding was that you had to be born on a military base or a U.S territory to American parents. Cleary I am wrong.

But.. It’s not constitutional.

My dad used to joke when I had braces that all I needed in addition to those railroad tracks were glasses and then I would never find a husband.

People are pissed off about beloved writers being canned. That seems pretty reasonable, tbh.

Oh, I know this is a joke. But the above was a direct quote from Denton in a NYTimes article from two days ago.

I do not understand this. Are we commodifying protest into fashion here? Are you trying to sell clothes piggybacking on protest imagery after a fucking terrorist attack?