'Tits The Season

Please don’t.

I really missed the old school cycles of ANTM. Remember Jade? “This isn’t America’s Next Top Best Friend!” Memories...

She looks like another victim of The Great Fucks Famine of 2015.

Seriously, all I could think was:

Philadelphia railway? You mean SEPTA?

The writing on that one is the BEST. I lost it at fleeing the great Fucks Famine of 2015.

... And I said that where? Do you work in a movie theater? Cuz you're projecting, dude.


President Obama is one of those guys who whether you love him or hate him you have to admit is a total dad. Look at that face when he sees these children. It is pure joy and happiness. Not fake, not enhanced, just genuine. Hopefully both parties can at least agree on that. His daughters are so lucky.

Jezebel didn’t even post the best picture, the one of Obama totally losing it.

now if only baby trump had been there

God bless pete souza for all these amazing photos of Obama. This is a huge public service.

I kinda swoon at the Prez on the floor with a baby. I am going to miss this presidency so hard when its over.

Pope baby’s red shoes are just a fantastic touch.

Well, that baby is going to hell. Good job being cute baby, hope you enjoy DAMNATION.

I assume Michelle is the first FLOTUS to wear Chucks, right?

Thank god she’s skinny and her parents are connected. Otherwise she might have to survive on ability and skill.

“Kesha now faces an abysmal decision: work with her alleged abuser...or idly and passively wait as her career tick-tocks away”

aww i almost forgot what she looked like in flattering clothing. she is truly a beauty. poor babe, following kanye around like a dumb puppy (aesthetically, anyhow).

Kim in Lanvin. A+++++.