
My advice has generally been: Do you have insurance? Yes? You should probably see a doctor about that. No? Talk to me when open enrollment starts up again and I might be able to help you out (I’m licensed to produce health insurance in my state).

This so much. I have homeopathic coworkers. One is even a “licensed” hypnotherapist and nutritionist (which I found out isn’t even an official thing as opposed to being a licensed dietician)... She paid thousands for the training and I still wouldn’t take her advice.

Dudes a troll who harasses me regularly.

I’ve worked and loved working for a union. It was for restaurants in Las Vegas. It is needed for a reason, so don’t blame all unions for being bad.

Seriously! I have tickets for Wednesday and I had a small moment of panic! Like, have I slept? type shit running through my head.

This needs to be clarified. Venus won a third round match at the U.S. Open. There are 7 rounds total to win the U.S. Open event. It’s extremely misleading as currently written.

You only gloat when you aren’t the GOAT, little one.

Well we know she worked hard on her cervix game

For her to just shoot for the semifinals woudl be a defetus attitude.

Yeah, she’d probably placenta top 10.


Good for you Serena. Now quit slacking off and find your racket.

Ya, we used to play chicken with trains on a tressel.

People taking photos on train tracks always makes me distinctly uncomfortable. Especially when it’s kids. Presumably it’s in the same way as seeing fellow bikers without a helmet or body armour makes me twitch.

He’s an artistic teenage boy that is good with makeup and clearly got bullied for not fitting into norms. I can see how Ellen would be someone he looks up to.

Well, I remember a psychologist friend of mine telling me that there was a survey done of teenagers’ goals, and the majority of them said they just wanted to be famous. As he explained it though, that’s really just them saying they want to be successful but they’re too young to really understand the varieties of

I have dangled off the side of elevated railway tracks while a train screams past.

He’s a teenager that has been bullied and ostracized. Ellen is pretty well-known for having a platform to encourage normals that are underdogs.

If this were the case you’d see people in therapy as a result of their past Halloween costumes.