
I think hot pretzels are a Mike Schur thing. That was an important annual event in the Dunder Mifflin building. Stanley and Michael bonded over them.

He started it.

I recently joined the Rancho Gordo bean club. One of the happiest days of my life. There is a closed FB group for us bean folks to nerd out. My bean collection looks just like yours. All of the beans are delicious and I eat them daily. My current favorite are the mayocoba.

I was thinking that since she knew she was dying and able to talk about her funeral arrangements, she requested to her family that the Trumps not attend.

I have a FB person who I hid a while ago, but remembered her disgusting theories about Sandy Hook. So I went to her page and report all her crisis actors posts as hate speech. I don’t think FB will do anything about it, but it felt good to report that POS.

As a person who likes a trip to NYC, I can’t imagine living there.

I use a weighted sleep mask and I sleep so well. It’s really nice when traveling.

I use a weighted sleep mask and I sleep so well. It’s really nice when traveling.

She definitely did. Something changed in her face a couple of seasons ago. And she writes about it in her book. She doesn’t specifically state her procedures, but she says anyone you see in Hollywood has had something done. And they have hair that didn’t grow from their head.

Brooks was terrible. You can’t get much worse than faking cancer.

Andrew Breitbart is an example of a bad person who died appropriately. He collapsed on a sidewalk at the age of 44. Sounds about right.

I lived in Seattle during the Mariners hey-day. That city loved him so much. This just brought tears to my eyes.

I remember seeing him that tour at The Moore Theater in Seattle. People were talking about it before the show, but no one heckled him. He was still drinking and smoking then. He kept a cigarette going through the majority of the show. He really was surly back then.

I like to ask the sales people how her stuff is selling. We always enjoy a nice laugh with their answers.

He has been asked his favorite book of the Bible and answered 2 Corinthians.

My brother and his husband live in Mexico. They also voted for Trump. He was visiting this weekend and telling me how they have lost friends over this election. He was saying how sad it was these people couldn’t rise above it. I just let him speak. There was no way that conversation would have ended well. I know I am

After the election I watched anything but news. One depressed evening, I watched an episode of RHOA where Porsha Williams did not know who the vice president was. I was so jealous of her. I still am.

That would be my brother and his boyfriend. The cognitive dissonance is maddening. It makes me sad and embarrassed. They live in Puerto Vallarta part time and my brother was telling me that they have lost friends over this election and how sad these people couldn’t rise above it. I didn’t tell him that I am not going

I am visiting the family for the weekend. Fox News is the preferred new source at my dad’s house. The channel gets changed pretty quickly when I get up. Mostly because I start talking back to the tv and pointing out the bullshit that John Stewart warned us about. This morning the fox narrative was all about fake news.

Two nights ago I woke in the middle of the night and had to get out of my bed to rage pace. I hadn’t done that in a month. To finally relax, I smoked a bowl and watched Ladies of London.

Not at all. No one is judging his odd sexual fetish. We are just pointing it out.