Donald Trump “pledging” to donate $1m and Donald Trump actually donating $1m are two very different things. My guess is this donation, if it happens, will be funded through the foundation, to which he actually contributes nothing.
Donald Trump “pledging” to donate $1m and Donald Trump actually donating $1m are two very different things. My guess is this donation, if it happens, will be funded through the foundation, to which he actually contributes nothing.
Get David Fahrenthold on it. He’ll suss out whether Trump actually pays. His work on the Trump Foundation is what got me to finally pony up and pay for a subscription to the Washington Post.
That’s why water is the absolute worst.
God, even beyond the current full menu of disasters, just thinking about the mold issues, ruined supplies, teardown and rebuild costs... It’s not like they can just empty out and dry the buildings. Those things will be unfit for human use and they’ll probably require specially outfitted crews to clean up/tear down…
OMG one of the most cringe-worthy moments. She had rose petals scattered on the ground and was wearing a red teddy and was massaging him with oils, talking about his huge muscles and shit... eugh.
I love that Camille never learned how to not dance like she was still on Club MTV.
I’ve been caling Ramona “Donald” for 2 seasons now. Narcissists all have traits in common.
What happened to his face?! He didn’t used to look like that, did he? He’s starting to resemble an Orange County Real Housewife.
That header image. Oof. How anyone can believe this man or give him a buck is well beyond me.
Absolutely. You’re right. Doxxing is dangerous. I mean it literally when I say that this is not doxxing. This is a more effective version of milk cartons and wanted posters. This isn’t trying to root out the identity of someone who anonymously said some shit you didn’t like online. These pictures aren’t being posted…
Don’t forget infantilizing him and economic anxiety.
It needs to be stressed that this wouldn’t have happened without crowd-sourcing his identity. The Cville police have made no effort to investigate these people. Every single arrest has come only because private citizens have identified these people and assembled evidence themselves.
This privileged ally just booked her flight. This will be my third trip to DC this year to protest Fucking Cheetolini. I was always fine with protesting, working for, supporting Women’s Rights, Anti-Racism, etc. The idea that we now have to protest fucking NAZIS???? In America? GAH.
A rising tide lifts all boats. I hope then that this person is inspired to join more such events because the process, itself, is so much more healing than the actual product. We are alchemically changed, forever, in its participation.
This is amazing and so heartening to read. I hope the turnout is bigger than expected.