
The problem being, and this brings me to a Chris Rock skit: “Ain’t nobody trying to blow Orrin Hatch! Ain’t nobody trying to give Newt Gingrich some! I don’t give a fuck, you ain’t never going to hear Newt Gingrich go: Man I wish these hoes would back up off me.’’

If that is their response to Trump winning, then they are absolutely bad people. Ignorance is bad.

I forget does Rudy have a job anymore? Did trump give him one? I can’t keep track of all the racists/misogynists/actual demons he has hired thus far, there are too many to count. Maybe it says in the clip, but I have no interest in actually seeing his face move or hear sounds come out of his speaky-hole.

Me, too.

Lauren Duca is working on this as we speak and it seems to be getting traction. There’s also talk of protesting on Presidents Day

i knew that he wouldn’t do it, because he said that he would.

April 15th is a Saturday this year. I’d love to have protests across the country demanding release.

Seems like a good idea to me.

Two loathsome movements colliding- White nationalists and anarchists.

Now playing

I’m posting this here cause we all need a smile. Here’s Richard Spencer getting sucker punched like the sucker he is.

I have to admit I am super curious as to the thought processes a stage parent has when considering whether to audition their child for the role of JonBenet Ramsey.

Every night? Are you sure we shouldn’t set aside Monday nights for a caravan of mobile reproductive health clinic that offers free long lasting birth control?

For fuck’s sake. Double thumbs up at a fucking Wounded Warriors event.

Look at Trump in that second photo. He appears to be having one of his “tone” problems: attitude not hue (but that as well, obviously).

As a queer, I want to say that I fucking love our goddamn community.

A good place for the Scottish Herald’s TV guide, which floated about Twitter all too briefly. It sums up the current EU feeling.

If we could just do this every night for at least the next four years, that would be great.

He already failed that test back when “Two Corinthians” happened.

Hot take: Religious people are hypocrites. They don’t care about things like prayers or following the word of God.  

Fucking calling it: Cheetolini can’t read. Where are his elementary school records? Prove me wrong.