
We need to stop using the term “family values.” There’s got to be something more accurate, like “retrograde hatred values.”

You are doing the Lord’s work. I don’t use Twitter so I guess I’ll be doing that on Facebook.

Right? You couldn’t PAY me to leave my house on a Saturday in January in DC. Obama getting inaugurated wasn’t even important enough for me to shift myself, because it’s cold and crowded and hard to get to, which are all things I dislike. But you can bet your ASS I will be there protesting on January 21. I’ll see you

Wait, we’re getting paid now?

Teen birthrates in the rural areas are noticeably higher.”

This was my thought, too. He doesn’t want to get caught saying she’s gained weight and looking like the bad guy, so he’s got to invent something to make her at fault.

Just one of Jax’s jowls has gained at least that.

I feel like Jax is- while he always does this because he gets bored and he’s a horrible person- is either making it up/embellishing the Kristen going down on his girlfriend thing because he’s building reasons to break up with her. And I bet as soon as she started gaining weight (she looks great, but you KNOW he is not

JFC. CNN is no better. I am having a heart attack

NY Times has flipped their projection to slightly favor Donald Trump. I am petrified right now.

If you are in line when the polls close, you vote. Now how this works when the lines extend past the doors you shut at poll close.... I dunno.

Plot twist. Hillary has 270 before Nevada. Fuck you Don.

I now love the term “middle wife,” and am imaging that he always planned it this way, like people do with children. “Well, the first is so special, who is the boss, and the last is our baby, who we spoil. Then there’s this one.”

After all, he never even mentioned Barron, even though that poor kid put his heart into being the campaign’s cyber expert.

(Has no penis and isn’t the daughter I want to have sex with)

Don’t worry Tiffany he’ll be dead soon and you’ll get some of his less then a billion dollars. And when that happens share some with me thinking about how I got you through this tough time with these kind words.

She knows what she did!! (Was born female from my middle wife.)

After all this, Tiffany will likely be one of the main suspects if someone shoots Trump by the sun dial in Centeral Park right after he unveils the sunblocker on top of Trump Tower.

I would give a nut to see a selfie from Tiff with her ballot showing a vote for Hillary.