
I don’t mean to argue, but almost every major corporation I’ve worked for has some way for you to check your email from your home computer or device. Either via a webmail client, or through a vm that you can access via your PC at home.

And using your own device is becoming a much more common thing.

Did you mean isn’t


That’s actually an argument I use when I’m phone banking for the Clinton campaign. I remind people that Hillary has never publicly thrown her IT people under the bus; she took responsibility like a boss. We all know what BabyMan Trump would do in the same situation.

Between the human asshole that is Donald, an actual Weiner, and reminders of Bill’s inability to keep it in his pants, it has never been clearer why we need more women in power.

I feel like it’s the White House IT department that should be investigated, not Clinton.

You got it

There is nothing mysterious about it. Set up your email on a computer with any of the mail programs on defaul settings it starts syncing everything on the server not just the unread messages.

Two days. The letter announcing these new emails was released TWO FULL DAYS on a Friday afternoon before they actually got a warrant on a Sunday. Comey is a ratfucker, pure and simple.

Assange is a petty cunt at this point, and should just throw himself off of the highest building he can find. He is not a factor, he’s just a cunt.

Senators know all kinds of things we don’t. Harry Reid could have been briefed by any one of a number of agencies. He requested copies of the Trump stuff and the implication is Comey stonewalled him. Doesn’t matter if it’s true - It’s a master operater setting Comey up as partisan tool. Beautiful!

So let’s say he did violate the law. How stupid do you have to be to ruin your career on behalf of Donald Fucking Trump? What. . .what are all these idiots going to do when he walks away laughing and they’re left with ruined careers and in many cases actual charges?

I was watching CNN about half-an-hour ago, and the latest news is that the FBI just obtained a Search Warrant to allow them to thoroughly search the laptop. Previously all they had done was a cursory inspection to determine probable cause for the Warrant. They still don’t know if they’re going to find anything of

Any announcement which enables people to misunderstand that there is damning evidence discovered against Clinton when they have not uncovered ANY EVIDENCE is a problem. It’s like IRS announcing that they are opening a criminal investigation into Tax Fraud against Trump 11 days before the election when he doesn’t have

Of course they won’t. Conveniently there isn’t enough time for them to review and comment on the email before the election. Comey needs to be fired for caring more about covering his own ass over actual ethical behavior.

When nothing ends up coming of this Chaffetz will be so butt hurt he will be referred to as Chaffed Ass.

Comey is a vengeful twat. Not buying his whole obligation to be transparent horseshit. The Republicans tried to hand him his ass (on live TV) after he concluded that no charges would be brought against Hillary and he hasn’t gotten over it. The Republicans are stupid and dirty and they gave him the sweet option for

Wouldn’t it be ironic if it was Comey who went to jail over Hillary’s emails??

Oh dear God let this be over let Hillary be president and let her crush these cunts with dicks starting with squirrely McNutshell Guliani

I never thought the thing that stopped me from talking about politics as an Americorps member would be used for something useful.

The FBI either needs to come forward and say that they found something incriminating (since they have had no problem commenting on this particular ongoing investigation repeatedly) or admit they sent a letter that was sure to throw a wrench into this election over what very well might be duplicates of emails they