
Um, famous gay men can get it wrong, too....

It’s not just clueless white semi-celebrities. Being ignorant is not limited to one group.

Sugar skulls aren’t appropriation. Seriously. Chill. I’m Latin American, we don’t care who dresses up as a Catrina or Frida Kahlo or any other Mexicana type costume. You wouldn’t be offended if someone from, say, China, dressed up as a jack o’ lantern, would you? Exactly.

This. People are stupid. My idiot southern cousin wore blackface for Halloween years ago, back when she was in high school (no, I do not consider being young an excuse). I (also in high school) was appalled, and she truly didn’t get it. Probably still wouldn’t. A vast majority of people do not even know what

Can never go wrong with a slutty gourd.

they should have went as a couple of slutty pumpkins


I went to a Halloween party last night where there was so much appropriation in terms of costumes that they were literally everywhere I looked. These were new friends who are our neighbors, and so I had in no way prepared myself for an array of drunken sugar skulls, “rappers,” “Latin gangsters,” and “Polynesians”

Counterpoint: “sexy puritan” is a good and hilarious costume. (But honestly, I think you have to be living under a rock to have somehow missed the memo that dressing up as a fucking caricature of a Native American isn’t okay.)

Apparently it’s not Halloween until we have our first racist celebrity costume.

A sexy puritan costume is the height of the inappropriately sexy costume craze.

Instead of Pulse nightclub, they’ve opted to do the Denver Planned Parenthood shooting instead.

NASCAR unfamiliarite here: is there any reason why they couldn’t stop all the cars and manually rearrange everybody?

Forced to cancel this event by the ungodly and unchristian I see. Will the persecution of Christians ever end?

Twin characters from a great movie called “Nothing but Trouble”. Stars Demi Moore, Chevy Chase as well as Dan Ackroyd and John Candy playing multiple roles. Oh and a very special guest appearance of Tupac. Adore this movie !!!

I dunno, I heard on Facebook that Hillary’s private email server probably irradiated children with wi-fi, causing autism.

They will just smugly talk about how Bernie would have had no issue defeating Trump then go masturbate to the number if likes they got on Facebook when they posted that they’re with “the other her.”

The Pence VP announcement reminded me strongly of a time when I was eight and my best friend announced that I wasn’t her best friend anymore, Lauren was now her best friend.