Agreed. Biden gets nowhere near the flack he should get for some of the garbage he has pulled in his life. I know the perception of him is “cool Uncle Joe” but it seems people have short-term memory how he has acted in the past.
Agreed. Biden gets nowhere near the flack he should get for some of the garbage he has pulled in his life. I know the perception of him is “cool Uncle Joe” but it seems people have short-term memory how he has acted in the past.
I’m inclined to give credence to this claim as it the woman is very much risking her own personal fortune and her personal and professional reputation and career by making a serious allegation of a crime against one of the most powerful people in the country.
Uncle Thomas is an embarrassment, and I can’t wait until President Hillary Clinton gets to drag the court to the left and sideline his sell-out ass. The new thing last week from conservatives was this kerfuffle and outrage about him not being explicitly included in the new National Museum of African American History…
If there ever was a more perfect example of how all black people are NOT alike, Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas are it.
I would not believe Clarence Thomas if he told me what I had for lunch and he was right. It would surely be a trick.
I would not believe Clarence Thomas if he told me what he had for lunch and then showed me the photo of it he posted to Instagram because the mashed potatoes looked just like a buttered rose.
Anita Hill told the truth about him at his confirmation hearing, but the (overwhelmingly male) senators didn’t admit it. I knew it then and it is still obvious now. He has always been a disgrace to the Court.
Can I put my hand down now?
How about a man less powerful, a man equally powerful, oh, and sure, a man more powerful.
Raise your hand if a man more powerful than you has groped you.
Of course he doesn’t endorse Trump.
It’s cute watching GOP politicians scurry around trying to avoiding pissing off Donald’s insane base. This is the same base which thinks that Paul Ryan, who endorsed Donald early and has stuck with him through the most incompetent campaign in history (at least recent history) is insufficiently loyal.
I want him to die of a broken heart when he loses.
You are describing my actual Uncle Bob.
I feel like that’s the kind of thing I would wake up and see and be like “this motherfucker...” and then look around and realize someone had switched all the signs and laugh.
You have to have the context of every sign being switched.
When Prop 8 was on the ballot here in California, one of my neighbors was a supporter. I’d have to walk past his Yes on 8 signs every time I took my dog for a walk. Which means I passed his front door at least a hundred times with a baggie of warm dogshit in my hand, and every single time was able to resist from…
The thing is that we need her to play dirty. A democrat president is going to have to take on the GOP obstructionists at some point, otherwise they will pull the same shit with every democratic president that gets elected for the foreseeable future. I say she go ahead and play hardball, refuse to cooperate with…
God, Chaffetz is a shitbag. He’s the Shkreli of Congress.