Well, let’s see how quickly he can stiff investors, etc. & run this business into the ground. 💅🏾
Well, let’s see how quickly he can stiff investors, etc. & run this business into the ground. 💅🏾
“Trump TV—because ‘Fair and Balanced’ still made us look terrible!”
Semi-related: I saw a woman at a Trump rally on the news wearing a “Hilliary for Prison” and for the life of me I could not figure it out. In my head, I kept reading it as “Hilli-ary” not like “Hill-liar-y” and was like what the fuck is Hilli-ary supposed to be???
THIS! There is no such thing anywhere in the US as a legal late abortion for reasons other than health of woman or fetus. Jesus.
They also peddle the idea that late-term abortions can be elective. Listen, guys, if someone has an abortion after viability, which is about 24 weeks, it is because there is no other choice (other than delivering a nonviable child). Nobody gets to six months’ pregnant and goes “Oh, never mind, I decided I don’t want…
This is a result of many people who only get their medical info from Breitbart and pro-life websites. There are people who actually believe TRAP laws are needed because they think Kermit Gosnell’s clinic was the standard - rather than what happens when you make legal abortion so difficult to obtain that women find…
Seriously can’t believe they just ripped my baby out of my womb, stitched it back up, and handed him to me. If I had any respect I would have just died in childbirth like god and Pat Robertson intended.
Is there literally any more egregious example of “waving the bloody shirt” than claiming your opponent literally supports murdering healthy babies?
They’re pretending late term abortion means waiting to full-term, inducing labor, and then stabbing the otherwise perfectly viable baby to kill it just before it crowns. Because opposing the reality of late term abortions (ie. it is typically a life-saving procedure) is pretty much impossible, so they resort to…
Does anyone know what “a day prior to birth means”? Because I think he assumes babies are actually all the same degree of “ready” and “perfect” at 40 weeks and that they never come too soon or too late. I ask this as a woman who is scheduling a c-section for a breech baby probably tomorrow. She could honestly be…
If abortion were actually the horror show that the Christian right pretend (actually believe?) it is, I would probably be against it, too. But I guess saying things like “I’m against surgical procedures that save women’s lives” doesn’t go down as well as imaginative and colorful depictions of late term abortions do.
Stork bring baby home from a baby making factory in China.
Prince and Bowie are dead and Cheney lives on.
This is the part that confuses me even more: ““The baby is about two-thirds already born in the birth canal,” Robertson fantasized.”
I wouldn’t have to rip them if they weren’t so expensive on iTunes.
I’d like to punch their skulls and evacuate their brains into the nearest toxic waste container, seal it shut and send it into space.
He’s old enough to have repeatedly lied about having fought in the Korean War, and seeing extensive combat and being wounded in action.
This was my favorite response to Trump’s musings on abortion at the debate;