Uh, porn actress =/= prostitute. That’s like asking Rachael Ray to be head chef at a busy restaurant.
Uh, porn actress =/= prostitute. That’s like asking Rachael Ray to be head chef at a busy restaurant.
Hanx America’s Dad talk was great too.:
Captain Underpants.
This isn’t too much of a difference between this and Selma Hayek’s story. Minus the offering of money. But it’s apparent he definitely has a pattern. Ask a girl out and if she say’s no, add incentive, money, plane ride, a chance to prove, you don’t care about being short, dinner, job, sandwiches, the usual stuff that…
He’s only been playing captains lately. Are there any funny captains?
Here’s why the “orchestrated by the Clinton campaign” explanation makes zero sense to me.
All these women have come forward after they brought up Machado (which he is on tape doing to her), and Access Hollywood (which he is on tape saying). Why on earth would any opponent who knew about those body blows to their…
The Trump campaign denied Drake’s allegations, claiming they were orchestrated by the Clinton camp to defame the Republican nominee.
No, high- end escorts make less than that generally and she’s not a particularly iconic adult film actress. (Offering Jenna Janeson $10k would be cheap) It is however OBVIOUSLY very insulting and gross to assume she was “for hire”
I should preface this by saying, I think Donald Trump is gross and his campaign for president is like something you’d see in a 2000AD satire comic. That said, is it weird that (allegedly) offering $10,000 for sex makes me think he’s a cheapskate? I mean, yeah, it’s a shitload of money to me - but he’s (allegedly) a…
I love the fact that women are still coming forward despite him threatening to sue them all!
All I have to add is this. What is it with prominent rich people and 10,000 dollars. Is this what they figure is the “make it interesting number” to normal people? Give me like Median Household income for a US family for a year and then we’ll have the conversation. On the subject of cheeto voldemort, its probably way…
so, “is a cubs fan”
My mother has very elaborate superstitions on found change. So based on her, they were both heads up, the years were good luck for her, and made at the right mint.
Now he’s going to annoy everyone all day long with that riddle that goes “I have two coins equalling 15 cents and one of them isn’t a nickel. WHAT COINS DO I HAVE?”
That face! He looks like he genuinely cannot believe his good luck. “Did you see this?! That is 15 cents! Just laying there on the ground! Today is a good day.”
I would imagine he will continue to be involved with the cancer project Obama set up.
I like to imagine he has a giant glass piggy bank and he’s been saving up the entire presidency. Once the presidency is over, he’s headed straight to a coinstar and cashing the whole thing in to put money towards his PlayStation VR.