
Oh honey, that sounds exhausting. Not snarking. Manipulative, conspiracy minded “friends” just make me so tired and cranky. It’s work to have them in your life, especially when you didn’t choose to have them there. Been there so many times. You really do have to strategize how to be around/with them.

The very same brother that was trotted out by the Sarah Palins of the world to prove Barack Obama was secret Muslim-communist-terrorist person. Oh world. You are so funny.

Wait. I think we’re all missing the best part about this: She described Donald Trump as “anti-#NeverTrump”.

Trump using her and then immediately shoving her back on a plane to Alaska is the one time we get a free pass to laugh at his assholish behavior toward a woman.

Well, I mean Barack Obama is a two-term president whose historical achievements will include things like “getting bin Laden” and “creating healthcare infrastructure for millions of Americans,” while Palin is a half-term Alaskan governor already receding into the rear view mirror of history...

Palin’s continued slide into deeper and deeper irrelevance has been one of the more profoundly satisfying events of the last 4 years.

It is nice to see that Sarah is taking advantage of Alaska’s lax marijuana laws. Either that or she is REALLY enjoying the “Creative Writing: Most Yuuuge words 201" class that she attended at Trump U. 

I know! I don’t feel right voting for Obama OR Bill Clinton this election. Still undecided, I guess...

It was a two-pronged attack:

In *Casablanca*, when someone says of Richard Blaine (Humphrey Bogart) “one never knows what he’ll do, or why,” it’s a kind of tribute. He’s unpredictable, but always someone to be reckoned with.

We posted this at the exact same time. I think it is perhaps the most beautiful prose to come out of this election.

I love how she referred to Trump as the “anti-#NeverTrump candidate.”

Its not “sike!” Its “psych!” Because you psyched them out.

the same malik obama that is pro-hamas and the destruction of israel? that one, sarah?

Well, that’s some serious trolling, Sarah. You do know that Malik Obama is not American, don’t you (unlike his half-brother, the president, who most certainly is American)? And are you aware that one reason Malik Obama is estranged from his half-brother, the president, is that Malik is pro-Hamas. I’m pretty sure he’s

“I’m an Obama admirer!”

Just when I feel like this election is dragging everybody down the way Palin dragged McCain down in 2008.....she shows up out of nowhere and TOTALLY REDEEMS HERSELF!!!

Nice joke, Palin. Know what’s funnier? Knowing that Barack Obama is going out as a highly popular President of the US after two terms, while you’re so thoroughly washed out that you can’t even grift conservatives into supporting your Blaze wannabe channel or paying five figures for your speeches anymore.

Too many angry birds upside the noggin I guess.