You and me both.
You and me both.
yes, also I think he groped her for a while anyway, not kissing. I think this woman underestimates the shame and embarrassment gropees feel, which the gropers take advantage of.
“To be kissed for 15 minutes is not a terrifying situation—you can press the button for a flight attendant...”
by that logic, i’m exceptional at quitting smoking - i’ve done it a multitude of times.
Well thank you but I’m just linking to his horrible tweets. I keep a close eye on his twitter so y’all don’t have to.
When they get a new car they’ll just have to buy all new stickers. I am thinking of getting rid of my shitty Chevy Cobalt (Sorry to be repetative there) and I know I will lose my Magic The Gathering mana symbol stickers and the dumper sticker that say “My Giant Robot Stepped On Your Honor Student”.
I recommend you shoot higher with your hopes and dreams.
meth is a hell of a drug.
Previous stories I’ve heard about drunk women and peanut butter led me to believe this story would go in a very different direction.
omg. her drunk brain thought “conservation group” = “conservative group”
They are still the minority though. 56% of American adults think abortion should be legal in all or most cases.
People like Phil Bryant are why Republicans continue to lose. They are a single issue party at this point, despite the fact that most Americans want abortion services to be legal and available within reason. Governor Bryant is one of a long line of elected officials who thumb their noses at provisions and laws,…
I’m from Mississippi. I assumed this in general misery was normal. I just moved to Washington and cried when I found out I could vote by mail. I’m never going back and fuck that state and fuck Phil Bryant (which is what I should have said to his dirty little rat face in that airport three years ago).
I watched the whole thing and holy shit was that ever awkward. What a fucking asshole. Donald didn’t even try to turn most of his barbs into “jokes.” This wasn’t one of his rallies!
He really tanked. It started when he “joked” (not sure how this was at all a joke?) about Hillary hating Catholics to a ROOM FULL OF CATHOLICS and then went downhill from there. On the other hand, HRC had some great one-liners and didn’t cross any lines. He can’t even do a light-hearted speech right. I can’t wait…
I need to see her dress. Because if it’s a hot pink shirt-dress gown, then my life will be vastly improved by such beauty.
I’ve watched many, many of these dinners and I have *never* heard booing such as what DJT got.